I have a few questions about the development so far.
How are files going to be stored (database or files)? Will it stress the server's SQL? Server loads?
Right now they're stored as files. It's a lot handier that way just incase you run into some problems and you need to rehash them or whatnot but I doubt I'll move them to the database.
It won't stress MySQL almost at all. Scrape is extremely small with only one query and announce is very optimized also.
I think somewhere around mid-may probably... If exams don't get in the way...
Well they did
So while I have worked on it quite a little, I still need to optimize it (index takes 50 queries:nervous: ) and a add the missing features. Expect a lot more in the first weeks of June though (unless Jelsoft pulls some miracle and unleashes vB 3.5 beta in the first week of June in which case I'd be staring at it's code 24/7 )
Right now they're stored as files. It's a lot handier that way just incase you run into some problems and you need to rehash them or whatnot but I doubt I'll move them to the database.
It won't stress MySQL almost at all. Scrape is extremely small with only one query and announce is very optimized also.
Good. Files would be more handy indeed.
Sounds good. Can't wait to test it out. Should be useful.