MySQL Error : Unknown table 'microauctions_categories,microauctions_items,micr oauctions_item_photos,microauctions_item_bids,micr o'
Error Number : 1051
Request Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 04:54:35 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 04:54:35 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ****
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.87-community
The first thing that I'm testing in my mods, is installing and unistalling them, as I know how terrible is to get errors there or worst leaving rubishes behind.
I rechecked my code right now, and it works fine. But, by seeing that you're not using table prefix, came in my mind something that I read at -> Projects -> Bugs, for some errors that users found when they don't use table prefixes. I didn't read the post, so I'm not sure what's the problem.
In any case, you can click Edit on the right of microAUCTIONS, remove the uninstall code (right block), and then remove the table with phpMyAdmin.
When I post an auction it says posting the auction then goes to a white blank screen.. It shows up but have to load the site back up.. Also hitting My Auctions also takes you to a white screen. as does Bid History...
Another edit when you try to delete the item takes you to another white screen..
Microhellas, great mod, but again, too heavy for my intended use. i am looking for a basic classifieds addon (no need for auctions, payments etc). the pro version is a good idea, but it would be a bit like using a hammer to kill a fly. wonder if you plan to release a classifieds only lite version. i do not mind making a (financial) contribution if that is the bottleneck...
When I post an auction it says posting the auction then goes to a white blank screen.. It shows up but have to load the site back up.. Also hitting My Auctions also takes you to a white screen. as does Bid History...
Another edit when you try to delete the item takes you to another white screen..
And then when trying to uninstall the mess.. got the same error that was posted up above..
3 missing procedures... I know it and I've wrote that they're missing 3 parts now. I'll post the Beta version today. As for uninstallation, works fine for me. The first point that I'm testing in my mods, is installing and uninstalling them.
i was playing around on the demo, and noticed a few links that are not correct. when your viewing an auction the following links on the bottom "Buy it for 400.00 $ | Bid at least 0.00 $ | Contact Seller" all link to
i was playing around on the demo, and noticed a few links that are not correct. when your viewing an auction the following links on the bottom "Buy it for 400.00 $ | Bid at least 0.00 $ | Contact Seller" all link to
I've removed it from the version that I've released here As these links work with javascript I had to duplicate them, something not so good for the resources.
If you don't mind to spend some of your valuable time registering to my site, I'll really appreciate to vote in my poll:
something that will helps me a lot to understand what is most need in the trading market.