Version: , by Mark0380 (Guest)
Developer Last Online: Jan 1970
Version: Unknown
Released: 05-27-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Credit for this should predominantly go to forum users Tim Mousel and Trog for giving me two necessary coding springboards for getting this hack (or is it mod?!?) together - thanks guys!!!!!
I am sure someone has already done this with MultiCity Chat anyway, so apologies for the duplicity - but I thought newbies might appreciate having this feature all the same.
Basically, the hack enables you to have a free MultiCity Chatroom integrated with your vBulletin forum. It automatically logs in registered forum users with their member-name, and an error message and login prompt is presented for those unregistered/not logged-in. And when you disconnect from the chat room, it refreshes to the main page of your forum.
Step 1.
Set yourself up with a free MultiCity chat account at - don't worry about configuring variables such as color and chatroom description on their site, its all editable later.
Step 2.
Add a new template and call it 'chat_hack'.
Step 3.
Insert the following code into your 'chat_hack' template, remembering to insert the script code you obtained from MultiCity, rather than what's displayed here.
There are a lot of variable parameters for the customisation of the MultiCity chat. Most of these are cosmetic things, but a couple of them are vital for getting the auto-login functions to work properly. So check through my pasted script code here and look for the entries marked with asterixes - these are the configurable options that I tweaked OR added to the default code that MultiCity give you. Note: "AutoLogin" and "AutoLoginName" parameters are essential. Hope that makes sense!!!!
PHP Code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<TITLE>$bbtitle - Live Chat</title>
<!--Change the code between the applet tags to the code you are given when you sign up for your free chat account.-->
<APPLET CODEBASE="" ARCHIVE="multichat.jar" CODE="GUIClient.class" WIDTH="562" HEIGHT="385" ALIGN="BOTTOM">
<PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="affiliate" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="AllowCreateForum" VALUE="TRUE">
<PARAM NAME="AppletBackground" VALUE="#CCCCCC">
*****<PARAM NAME="AutoForwardingURL" VALUE="">****
<PARAM NAME="BannerImage" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Category" VALUE="6">
<PARAM NAME="ChatAreaBackground" VALUE="white">
<PARAM NAME="ChatAreaForeground" VALUE="black">
*****<PARAM NAME="Description" VALUE="Put a description for your site or chat room here!!!">*****
<PARAM NAME="Domain" VALUE="0">
*****<PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="Helvetica">*****
*****<PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="12">*****
*****<PARAM NAME="hidepassword" VALUE="TRUE">*****
*****<PARAM NAME="HomepageURL" VALUE="">*****
<PARAM NAME="Language" VALUE="EN">
<PARAM NAME="LocatorEnabled" VALUE="TRUE">
<PARAM NAME="ShowLiveChat" VALUE="T">
*****<PARAM NAME="ShowUserInfoLine" VALUE="FALSE">*****
*****<PARAM NAME="Subject" VALUE="*Put your chatroom subject here">*****
<PARAM NAME="Translation" VALUE="FALSE">
<PARAM NAME="UseGraphicText" VALUE="F">
*****<param name="AutoLogin" value="TRUE">*****
*****<param name="AutoLoginName" value="{$bbuserinfo[username]}">*****
Your browser does not support Java applets.
Upgrade to a newer browser or use the Options menu to enable Java.
You may also use the link below to access the HTML version of your chat room.
Step 4.
Create a new file and name it 'chat.php', or whatever you need. Place the following code inside.
PHP Code:
require( "global.php" );
if( $bbuserid ) {
$user = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username
FROM user
WHERE userid = $bbuserid" );
$bbusername = $user[ username ];
} else {
} // end if
Step 5.
Upload 'chat.php' to your main forums directory.
Step 6.
Test the file, and assuming everything is working okay, link into your forums page.
I truly hope it works for everyone. It is certainly working for me!
Just point your browser to my forums page ( and look for the button 'live chat' in the header menu at the top of any page. And if you do register with my forums simply to test this mod, please please PLEASE do the decent thing and contact me to request your account is removed afterwards, okay? Thanks.
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Only one members can log in with a fake username if they catch the logout window quick enough.
I'm using a free version of the multicity chat because I dont need any real admin functions etc.
The auto-login feature is working fine when they come from the forum, it's just this problem of members logging out then quickly signing in again using another member's name that is becoming a problem.
Is being able to enter a fake member name normal or have I done something wrong?