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Old 05-19-2006, 04:10 AM
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I don't see how we pass the buck on it, but I'm not going to get drawn into an argument regarding this.
Old 05-19-2006, 04:22 AM
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do I get a cheese stick (or equivalent prize) for posting at the same time?

I did not mean that Jelsoft expects everyone to code for free and then place it on .org - I was speaking to the fact that you guys still haven't pulled your thumb out about the commercial directory thing. That wasn't .org holding that one up - it was Jelsoft. Service requests? Have you ever posted a service request before? I have! Forgive me if I am correct, however a lot of people seem to whinge that no one ever responds to their service requests.

Regardless, we are bantering now which I do not want to do. All I want to do was address your 'you guys want it both ways' approach as it was soooo ironic.

In fact, my first post in this thread wasnt about 'I love Jumpd, bring back his mods' it was about pointing out hypocrisy. This wasnt an 'oversight'. The same mod that axed Jumps threads was the same mod that posted 'well, let's give the author a chance to re-upload the files' over a year ago. It has taken over a full year for this hack with no download AND its own forum to get noticed? Puhleeze!

Anyway - my post just went back to bantering again! I apologize, I have man-flu and I havent had coffee yet!

Originally Posted by Martin
I don't see how we pass the buck on it, but I'm not going to get drawn into an argument regarding this.
sorry Martin - what I meant about passing the buck is for Jelsoft to sluff off responsability for the site - and you're right, lets not argue anymore about it. I don't understand all of Jelsofts reasons and I guess I don't need to.

Thanks for taking the time.
Old 05-19-2006, 04:57 AM
Krahl Krahl is offline
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I'll point out that one of the primary reasons why I've chosen vBulletin for two licenses was the thriving and helpful community here at .org. Having mods that help your site and community are a vital aspect of doing business (even if it's just a hobby site) these days.

I will also note that I was set to buy a third license almost immediately but due to this upheaval that third purchase is very much on hold until some resolution is found to the massive bleeding of talent going on here.

From the perspective of one of those who utilize the free mods here - and as one who has paid a talented coder more than once for their work - I am severely disappointed how things are going. I really hope things get ironed out sooner rather than later.
Old 05-19-2006, 05:11 AM
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Martin, I really don't want to draw anyone into an argument, but we are getting mixed signals. We are told Jelsoft has the final say on a commercial directory, but you say Jelsoft lets this site do what it wants.

You say raise your hand if you've contributed, because this is a volunteer site, but every member - every single member - has to pay to use this site. And, every member who writes a hack, or downloads and installs a hack, or answers a question, contributes to this site, and by proxy vBulletin and Jelsoft.

I understand that Jelsoft has had a great thing here for a long time - nearly completely free sales, service and enhancements. Developers like myself who make upwards of $75 an hour on the open market are adding to your product and paying you for the privilage.

However, things are changing, as they always must. And Jelsoft has to let this site change with it, or they'll lose more then they gain in the long run.
Old 05-21-2006, 01:02 AM
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Just for the record I'm still being patient waiting on a fix for my problem which is contained within the archived / removed threads.
Old 05-21-2006, 01:35 AM
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Is there a fix posted in the thread? If so which one, I read though over 100 pages and didn't see any recent fixes in any of the threads. If you asked a question about getting a fix, jump is no longer providing support for his mods so I don't know what you are expecting.
Old 05-21-2006, 07:21 AM
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Face it folks, it's up to JumpD now. If he wants to contact the staff and re-attach the zip files he's back in business.. Otherwise he's on a break and no support for his hack/modifications unless someone else steps in.

Sad but true, time to move on and leave it to JumpD to decide.....
Old 05-21-2006, 10:50 AM
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It isn't a fix the product is working there is just an array problem (pulling the message) that I am having when the messages are imported in. I am sure there is an answer burried in those 100 pages to my question but of course they are no longer there. I even tried pulling the cached pages on google but there was only 1 or so pages cached. For the love of all that is human put the freaking threads back up in an archive somewhere.
Old 05-21-2006, 11:39 AM
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Sorry, you can aruge with me and ask untill the cows turn blue, the policy was decided to be kept in place for now. We will not be returning the threads at this time. If such a change is made you will be made aware.

There is nothing stoping you from posting in the general modifications questions or a smiliar forum asking for help from other users
Old 05-21-2006, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
Sorry, you can aruge with me and ask untill the cows turn blue, the policy was decided to be kept in place for now. We will not be returning the threads at this time. If such a change is made you will be made aware.
That's it? That's the answer, and that's how you present it to the users here?

Classy. :tired:

What exactly is the rationale behind not preserving these threads in a locked/archived state? Do you realize how infuriating this is for users of this site, who could cling to the already-posted information in the hundreds of pages of those threads, as our only means for reference and support? ]

Why not offer a 7-10 day "grace period" so folks could download the text? (This would help counter the accusation that this move was "personal," since the thread deletion took place a few hours after the attachments were removed.)

One would think a thread with more than 1500 posts would be treated differently than, say, a thread with 15. One would think the interests of the users would be considered.

Sorry to say, I have lost all faith in the decision-makers around here. Complete and utter misdirection, all in the name of pride.

Good luck with that. :down:
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