Version: 1.00, by Rickie3
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 04-18-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 42
No support by the author.
Ok what this does is allow you to add a url inside a post.Please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong section or has been posted before,If this is not allowed here please remove Admin.I have used this on my board for over 12 months and have not had any problems.If you are unsure dont use it,if you use please click *install*
go to adminCP>>Custom BB Codes>>>Add new BB code.
In title put>>iframe
In tag put>>iframe
In Replacement place this code
<a href="{param}" TARGET="_blank"> {param} </A><BR>
<script type="text/javascript">
* IFRAME Scroller script- ? Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code
//specify path to your external page:
var iframesrc="{param}"
//You may change most attributes of iframe tag below, such as width and height:
document.write('<iframe id="datamain" src="'+iframesrc+'" width="100%" height="700px" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"></iframe>')
In example place [iframe]url[/iframe]
In description place>>>You can use the iframe tag to display a website within a post. Can be visually more enhancing than simply using a link.
Use {option} NO
then click save.
to use simply put the url in between the iframe tags eg [iframe][/iframe]
see below screenshot of how it looks on my board
or click here Live Demo
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Is there anyway to make this work with the Google translator? I can translate a page and grab the url and while it will bring up the page, it will no longer be translated.
i been doing this for over 3 yrs now, never seen it released on vb though it was just very obvious.....
just looking for a followup on the quick reply for iframe, but i had another question.....
could we instead, if we needed to popup a page using javacript from a next page
say a music profile.....soundclick page, is there a way that we could do the iframe just to show the link, like could i have this javascript popup enabled somehow directly from my forum?
i guess what i'm proposing is a self destructing iframe to break it down......
i want to be able to have an iframe inside a thread that pops up with a link almost like the google iframe redirector saying something like..... Please Wait While Music is loading... give it maybe 1 or 2 seconds, then close IT SELF.....for direct interaction with soundclick's script....