I posted there and I hope they do actually integrate that feature into vbulletin
To be honest, as far as vB has come, it makes absolutely NO sense not to have an integrated newsletter piece built in. It should have been added before things like the reputation system IMO.
To be honest, as far as vB has come, it makes absolutely NO sense not to have an integrated newsletter piece built in. It should have been added before things like the reputation system IMO.
Its amazing how little emphasis has been given to newsletter/comm bull plugin, which probably is the single easiest mode of bringing the hard earned traffic back to our forums. Hard earned coz its really time consuming and painful effort to get good members for the forum and then also be able to retain them. vB Newsletter is a must and some good coder should do it fast.
I will toss my hat in.... It would be nice if this were a standard part of vB. I can't tell you how many forums I revisit upon receiving a newsletter... otherwise I may have never revisited it. My personal highest traffic rates were at times following the use of the old Commbull. Not an in your face feature, but IMO a feature not to be overlooked.