You only came and helped because the Japs dragged you into the war - Else you'd have sat there and gone "oh look, england is being attacked - Thank god i'm safe over here in my backwards spelling country"
You only came and helped because the Japs dragged you into the war - Else you'd have sat there and gone "oh look, england is being attacked - Thank god i'm safe over here in my backwards spelling country"
I love how we get so much ++++ for messing up your version of english, but the truth is it's your goverments fault. You see, if you guys diden't charge so much tax on paper back in the day we wouldn't have had to drop letters in certain words (less letters = less paper used = less money spent).
I got friends that work in em, so I know the deal about closing time. I also know that you can ring anyone up (even after closing time) as long as the money in the register hasen't been counted for the day.
Well last night I was on my way home from a party, just ran out of cigs, and needed gas to make it all the way back. I decided to stop at the only place on the way home that stays open til 1am.
At 12:45pm I roll into the parking lot, people are inside paying for their gas and whatnot. I go to pump mine and the clerk cuts off my pump, I figure he wants me to pay for it before pumping so I head for the door. (guy is new and it's dark)
This guy locks the door while I am walking to it, he turns the sign to closed (even though closing is 15 minutes away). I nock on the window to tell him I need at least $1 in gas to make it home (although I was going to fill up anyway) but he just acted like he couldn't hear me.
I guess he had somewhere to go and couldn't waste a minute of his time on me right? What an +++++++!
Well I can be one to!
I almost diden't make it home last night, and almost burned out my fuel pump in the process.
This morning I counted up $40 in lincons (pennies). Now most places won't take that many at one time cause the clerk has to count them all, unless they have to. So I pumped myself $40 worth of gas this morning and hauled my big bag of lincons inside, dumped them on the table and said "Thats for pump 6!"
Then I waited by the door while the same guy spent 15 minutes of his time counting up my money.
Good story however I probably would of lost my temper on the guy at 12:45.......
Dont most gas stations take credit card after they close?
Actually they can refuse a huge bag of unrolled pennies. Go into a bank and try that. They will refuse you as well.
The only tender shops in england are allowed to refuse are ?50 notes...
That means if you spend ?350 in a shop and want to pay in 2ps, they legally have to accept it - They'll probably give you a hard time about it and try and get you to pay another way, but if you are that determined to piss them off and make them count every single 2p coin, you are legally entitled to do so