Heh, I had to re-add it to see why on earth mySQL had decided to not recognise the username column.
Of course, it hadn't, I was right, and it was a case of 'following instructions contained in a 'new post' notification, rather than those that were on the page' (and had been for over 2 hours).
I made the edits based on the email in the morning before leaving for work.
When it didn't work I sent a reply. I thought I needed a field from subscription.status.
I am appreciative of the support. It is one of the most useful modules on my portal page. I bumped the message hoping someone would see it as a new post and if they new the answer they would reply. I also had that additional question. I realize support is not clicked so I subscribed to this thread for the day someone searched for this topic and could answer my question. Thanks again.
Sorry I missed it, I had unsubscribed from all threads cos my inbox was filling up...and sorry for the way I came across in the last few posts, I'm hecticly busy with moving house and am getting a little stressed.
Sorry I missed it, I had unsubscribed from all threads cos my inbox was filling up...and sorry for the way I came across in the last few posts, I'm hecticly busy with moving house and am getting a little stressed.
Not a problem. I have several books on mySQL and php. I pick them up and put them down. Just can't grasp it. I find I learn more by copying code and asking questions. I help people where I can. Maybe not with vB but in other things. It all evens out in the end.
I still have unopened boxes from moving several years ago.
My wife won't let me throw them out. :squareeyed:
Odd It works great on my site, yet when I try to do it on another I get some SQL Error.
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid,username
FROM user
LEFT JOIN subscriptionlog as subscriptionlog ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status = '1' ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 10
mysql error: Table 'theflyfi_forums.user' doesn't exist
mysql error number: 1146
Date: Monday 02nd of May 2005 05:09:17 PM
Script: http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/
IP Address:
Very sorry .. I don't use TABLE_PREFIX on my sites..
Change the query in subscribers.php to
PHP Code:
$getusers = $DB_site->query("
SELECT user.userid,username
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscriptionlog as subscriptionlog ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status = '1' ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 10
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid,username
FROM vb3_user
LEFT JOIN vb3_subscriptionlog as subscriptionlog ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status = '1' ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 10
mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list
mysql error number: 1109
Date: Thursday 21st of July 2005 10:01:35 AM
Script: http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/
Username: fshfanatic
IP Address:
SELECT user.userid,username
FROM vb3_user user
LEFT JOIN vb3_subscriptionlog as subscriptionlog ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status = '1' ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 10
$getusers = $DB_site->query(" SELECT user.userid,username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscriptionlog as subscriptionlog ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid) WHERE subscriptionlog.status = '1' ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 10 ");
PS I always use a table prefix on my testsite, tou avoid this kind of problems.