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Old 03-26-2004, 01:46 PM
13th_Disciple 13th_Disciple is offline
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Originally Posted by Boofo
We need to all band together and start having fun again or we might as well kiss this place good-bye.
Good point.. and I think that is what will happen if there is not solid consistency.. But I am not one to say as I am just a user who tries to help and learn only to see some people try and belittle others, including myself, because we are not 1337 code hacker wanna-be's..

btw, my hat's off to those like NTLDR that provide solid, genuine support and quality hacks for people.. for free.. i know there are many others, but i have occupied a lot of NTLDRs time and he has always been more than gracious in his responses and patience..
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Old 03-26-2004, 01:51 PM
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Yes, NTLDR is one-of-a-kind. If more members here would take after him, I think we could get on the road to recovery here at vb.org. I try, but I'm not anywhere close to being proficient at coding yet. (Just look at my hacks to prove my point. )
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Old 03-26-2004, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Boofo
That's the problem here now. Everyone who releases a hack anymore feels they're not obligated to provide support. Why release a hack then if you all feel that way? Most of the hacks that get released anymore it seems are subpar in quality and basically to get their hack counts up. If I felt the same way you do, filburt, I would never release a hack here, let alone even visit the site. What happened to the good old days when we all worked together to have fun at this site? The problem is no one seems to remember when we were newbies and didn't know squat. I remember one of your very first hacks. It was the resolve IP hack and if I remember right, I even helped you with some bugs reports on it in the thread and had a blast doing it and learning from it.

We need to all band together and start having fun again or we might as well kiss this place good-bye.
I do my best to support all my hacks (the 2 i have) and i support mYvBindex / vBadvacned constantly
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Old 03-26-2004, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Boofo
Yes, NTLDR is one-of-a-kind. If more members here would take after him, I think we could get on the road to recovery here at vb.org. I try, but I'm not anywhere close to being proficient at coding yet. (Just look at my hacks to prove my point. )

You're not so bad, Boofo! I've not seen any of your current works, but you're pretty good imho.

*echos sentiments about NTLDR and his excellant support*
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Old 03-26-2004, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Rose
You're not so bad, Boofo! I've not seen any of your current works, but you're pretty good imho.

*echos sentiments about NTLDR and his excellant support*
You're just saying that because it's true.

I STILL have a lot to learn. My hacks are simple hacks that almost anyone could do.

And where have you been, young lady?
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Old 03-26-2004, 02:39 PM
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*doesn't veer off topic but mentions work has been keeping me rather busy* love the sig, btw.

Also, I agree with your post above, Boofo, about banding together. It's frustrating for members upgrading to vb3 but would like to keep some of the custom features from vb2 hacks. I realize some of the more proficient coders have too many hacks to rewrite, but if there's no intention of upgrading the hack then why not allow someone else to use it? Everyone says "don't use the same code and it's okay" but ... code is code and I imagine in many cases (not all) some of the same code will have to be used as that's the way it goes. ...

Oh well. I don't write hacks, so I probably shouldn't comment too much.

/me cheers the hack writers and all their efforts and contributions
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Old 03-26-2004, 02:45 PM
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The great thing about vB3 though is that quite a few of the hacks we had to install for vB2 are now included in vB3. That makes it a lot easier on deciding what hacks to convert. And with the conditonals, now a lot of the old hacks can be done right in the templates.
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Old 03-26-2004, 03:58 PM
Osterling Osterling is offline
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If some one is going to take a vb2 hack, make it work for vb3, and doesn't mention they used part of the vb2 hack, then that is wrong. But if the converter mentions you, as the orginal creator of the hack.. what's the big deal? It's not like they are taking credit for it all, just saying they convereted it over to vb3.

Am I missing something?
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Old 03-26-2004, 04:16 PM
13th_Disciple 13th_Disciple is offline
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don't use any part of the code itself.. in other words, you create the entire coding for the vB3 version.. no copy paste.. although there are so many changes with vB3, copying and pasting wouldn't be recommended anyway..
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Old 03-26-2004, 04:22 PM
tehste tehste is offline
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NTLDR is one-of-a-kind
I'm new to vb.org and new to vb but I do feel that vb.org needs real change, it is a major asset to vb and part of the reason so many users are attracted to vb and compelled to renew their license.

Hackers vs Hackers: Does anyone here copyright php code? Does anyone fork out ?300-400 to copyright an open source hack? "Ownership" of hacks should be changed - aslong as credit is given where credit is due - anyone should be allowed to modify code and release it, I'm not saying take hack x call it hack y and release it, I mean; if the way the hack runs is significantly improved or changed why cant it be shared on vb.org? What's the problem? If as a hack creator you dont like this simply take your code down to the copyright offices and get it copyrighted.

Recent example:
I created a shoutbox addon for vbindex (it adds a shoutbox to the forum home display and also adds top 10 shouters and number of shouts a member has made)
Some of the queries where the same as those via the original vbindex code, have you not heard the expression: Don't reinvent the wheel. The addon did use a large amount of code from vbindex but it was an addon and credit was given, still NTLDR removed the addon. I released this because, I wanted it so I figured someone else may want it. That should be the reason hacks are released. (Unless someone wants a hacker to make a hack)
My addon added atleast 4 major things: shoutcounter, forum home display, forum home shout adding, top ten shouters. It is absurd to remove an addon which adds something just because someone else made it using some of your code.

Hackers Attitude:
This leads on to overall hackers attitude to eachother and to non hackers:
  • hackers are not on a higher level of existence
  • hackers should all work to one goal: to further improve vbulletin by releasing addons
  • hacks do not compete for members to use them
  • hack counts aren't important
Not sure why some hackers think the above things are not true. But, sad as it is, people can be like that.

I enjoy supporting my hack(s), however frustrating, it gives ideas for improvement, bugfixes and improves the community feel of vb.org. Some hackers don't like to support their modifications, and that's fair. Hacks are released under no obligation or warranty, I don't think anyone has the right to complain or demand anything from anyone on this forum.

Basicly I agree with the first post:

- hacks should not have strict ownership aslong as credit is given. Hackers are working together not in competition. Ok it's a male dominated community but why compete over something so pointless.

- vb.org needs to address this issue, the forum does need opening so that there is a clear catagory to talk about making mods and hack in progress areas and other such stuff...
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