Version: 1.00, by ap0c
Developer Last Online: Jul 2010
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 07-14-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 18
No support by the author.
Since I didn't find this exact hack around, here you go.
This hack creates a new welcome thread in the users name after email conformation in the forum of your choice,
and is the new forum user's first post on your board.
Since the new forum user has 1 post, it is easier for admins to check for banned members.
Depending on the admincp settings this is either required to be filled in during the registration process,
or a default reply will be inserted.
You also have the ability to redirect the new user to their post if you want.
The new thread and post will appear on the forums after they reply to the activation email.
Things to do:
9 mysql queries to run
1 File ( 6 edits)
1 Template edit
2 new templates to create
Set vboptions
Time to install:
a few minutes
pics to follow
edit: updated to include allowing users to create thier own thread title, see instructions for upgrade information
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07-17-03 at 04:54 PM ap0c said this in Post #18 @KISS - yes, maybe I'll have time tomorrow night to write it. It's not hard, move the welcome thread box to the top of the page under email and change the code to, if nothing is inserted give a standard required field error
@Ian - no not presently, but by changing the redirection link they could be
Any update on this. I really like this option and would love to have it.
updated the first post to include the new instructions.
Every thing should work Make sure you update the admincp options!!!
New options added in the admincp for:
-requiring this to be filled during registration
-admin decides to redirect to the new thread created or not
-default title can be changed through the admincp
-default post can be changed through the admincp
I have email verification turned on during regisrtation, when I test this out with it. I get a database error during the email verification part. And I get 5 Welcome posts that are Identical from that which I think is one per time I clicked the verification link.
With it turned off I get no welcome message at all.
Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET usergroupid=, usertitle='' WHERE userid='684'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' usertitle='' WHERE userid='684'' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
And yes I used the first database version.. If I uninstall this version the old one still works.
//registration hack
if ($regthread=="") {
$regthread="Hi, Im your newest member. I look forward to being part of this community";