ChatBro is UGC tool for your site, which extends ability of content generation to the popular mobile messengers.
Add @chatbro bot to the active Telegram group chat and embed it into your site. Google will index the chat history and bring new participants to you!
Admins find it convenient to answer users questions by mobile phone using a VK/TG application:
indexed by search robots
reveals photo and video
asynchronous loading - no influence exerted on your website
mobile ready
authentication via your website, Vkontakte or Telegram
moderation by chat owner
website chat synchronized with Vkontakte or Telegram chat
Conference chatting is better than chatting with operators
Unlike private chatting with consultants, the multi-user chat between all users and the administration appears to be more trustworthy. People communicate and see the admins' reaction and realize that the site service is functional and adequate.
There is nothing to stop one from private chatting with a client any more.
Increases search traffic and average time spent on the website
The chat history consist of unique text on your subject. Search engines index it and provide target traffic. Should you be the first one to submit unique content to the search engine, and the content matches a rare user query, you will hold the first position on this query.
Chat could be easily configured with plugin extended parameters.
You can choose color theme, size, initial state, etc.
Easy installation
After installing the plugin just name your conversation and choose messenger to syncronize with. It could be VK or Telegram. Create conversation link in My Account section
Interesting ...I might install this over the weekend ... I had one similar to this one called "envolve" and also BoWoB which both pretty much got discontinued ... I like the idea of it being hosted on your servers ... I will come back with my impressions after I install it
Yep, it is similar to Envolve, but with social sync and google indexing features. Feel free to ask me questions when installing.
I believe you're missing the point others are making... no other chat mod from what I know indexes "messages". No matter if chat for entire site, it's not actual content nor should it be (imho) and chat messages are typically considered private/personal.
I see what you wanted to achieve, a public chat for forum but until this has options to make private and not be indexed many may not choose to utilize it because many value privacy versus "public record" in my opinion. I recommend adding option to make entire site chat private for only forum members to see OR make it publicly indexed so owner can choose which they prefer - needs to be option in mod, not just robots.txt change because bad bots don't follow rules in robots.txt.
Mod updated to version 1.0.1. You can set 'Enable guests' option to 'no' and chat will appear only for registered forum users. History will not be indexed.
So, it's essentially a forum hosted elsewhere with none of the controls or safeguards?
Because on forums sites most administrators like their group chats to take place in the forums, where they can control who sees content, who creates content, who replies to content, which content is indexed, etc.
Not only does a public group chat which is indexed defeat or bypass all of those, it also removes the chief purpose of having forums: Discussion on the forums.
And then you add on that it's not even hosted locally which means even if someone wanted to use the product they wouldn't know where to begin amending their TOS.
"Yes, we have this new public group chat which makes everything you post in it public not only to our users but to the internet at large. It's also hosted elsewhere but we can't tell you where and we have absolutely no way of knowing how your data is being used. But agree to the following release and hold harmless because reasons!"
And we haven't even breached the subject of trolls or people looking to cause trouble by posting things they know will cause problems for a site if they become public.
So, how long does an administrator have to remove objectionable content before it is indexed?
I'm not trying to be a jerk but I have serious and legitimate concerns about using such a product and I would hope I'm not alone in that.
Mod updated, you can disable guests and chat will no be indexed. Forum administrator have full control over his chat content. Administrator can moderate all chat content.