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Old 12-23-2012, 12:49 PM
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CAG CheechDogg CAG CheechDogg is offline
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Originally Posted by Dr_Mo7ammad View Post
i just saw your comment rightnow
and optimized some images and still
you can retest now and tell me
thanks verymuch

--------------- Added [DATE]1356268685[/DATE] at [TIME]1356268685[/TIME] ---------------

also , do you recommend me image dimensions to use

Good stuff and yes you should get the proper image dimensions and add them. That is going to take some work, maybe a couple of hours but you should do it as well.

Also add the following to your .htaccess file in your forums root. This will help you with the caching:

PHP Code:
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Old 12-23-2012, 01:26 PM
Dr_Mo7ammad Dr_Mo7ammad is offline
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in this page
they tell me these instructions but i donot know how to change them
can you help

The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes.

http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...lapse_tcat.gif (Dimensions: 13 x 13) (13 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...apse_thead.gif (Dimensions: 13 x 13) (3 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...s/lastpost.gif (Dimensions: 15 x 10) (60 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../menu_open.gif (Dimensions: 11 x 7)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bits_start.gif (Dimensions: 15 x 15)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...misc/stats.gif (Dimensions: 30 x 30)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...hos_online.gif (Dimensions: 30 x 30)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_new.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_old.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50) (3 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...m_old_lock.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50) (68 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bforum_old.gif (Dimensions: 11 x 11) (169 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/bulkdownload.gif (Dimensions: 960 x 116)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/close1.gif (Dimensions: 55 x 22)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(11).gif (Dimensions: 28 x 15) (2 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(13).gif (Dimensions: 35 x 16)

--------------- Added [DATE]1356272868[/DATE] at [TIME]1356272868[/TIME] ---------------

oh thanks
where to put in .htaccess
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Old 12-23-2012, 01:31 PM
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Check your private messages Buddy...

But the code I gave you add it after all your other code in your .htaccess file...
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Old 12-23-2012, 07:30 PM
Dr_Mo7ammad Dr_Mo7ammad is offline
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thanks very much
i add the code now
and trying to make some changes from the site
but somthings i donot understand

599.5KiB of JavaScript is parsed during initial page load. Defer parsing JavaScript to reduce blocking of page rendering.

http://www.mediafire.com/js/master.js?20090 (433.0KiB)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allteb2012/jquery.js (64.6KiB)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/poem.js (8.7KiB)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/type.js (2.3KiB)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/rainbow.js (2.2KiB)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/marq.js (1.3KiB)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/index.php (650B of inline JavaScript)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/read.js (581B)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaex...it4settings.js (521B)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/google_analytics_auto.js (253B)


The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes.

http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...lapse_tcat.gif (Dimensions: 13 x 13) (13 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...apse_thead.gif (Dimensions: 13 x 13) (3 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...s/lastpost.gif (Dimensions: 15 x 10) (60 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../menu_open.gif (Dimensions: 11 x 7)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bits_start.gif (Dimensions: 15 x 15)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...misc/stats.gif (Dimensions: 30 x 30)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...hos_online.gif (Dimensions: 30 x 30)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_new.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_old.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50) (3 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...m_old_lock.gif (Dimensions: 50 x 50) (68 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bforum_old.gif (Dimensions: 11 x 11) (169 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/bulkdownload.gif (Dimensions: 960 x 116)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/close1.gif (Dimensions: 55 x 22)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(11).gif (Dimensions: 28 x 15) (2 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(13).gif (Dimensions: 35 x 16)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(14).gif (Dimensions: 35 x 16)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/1%20(4).gif (Dimensions: 64 x 15) (2 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/1%20(6).gif (Dimensions: 47 x 24) (2 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/1%20(7).gif (Dimensions: 50 x 20) (4 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/1%20(8).gif (Dimensions: 40 x 18)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/27.gif (Dimensions: 30 x 30)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon1.gif (Dimensions: 16 x 16) (38 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon10.gif (Dimensions: 16 x 16)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon14.gif (Dimensions: 16 x 16) (4 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon9.gif (Dimensions: 16 x 16)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/q%20(1).gif (Dimensions: 35 x 19) (2 uses)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/misc/v.gif (Dimensions: 16 x 16) (10 uses)


The following images served from alltebfamily.com should be combined into as few images as possible using CSS sprites.


The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources:

http://www.alltebfamily.com/google_analytics_auto.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...lapse_tcat.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...apse_thead.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...s/lastpost.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...design/alt.jpg (expiration not specified)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bits_start.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...misc/stats.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...hos_online.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_new.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../forum_old.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...m_old_lock.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...bforum_old.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allteb2012/tipsy.js (expiration not specified)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/close1.gif (expiration not specified)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(13).gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/image...s/1%20(14).gif (expiration not specified)
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http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/1%20(8).gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/27.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon1.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon10.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon14.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/icon9.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/icons/q%20(1).gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/images/misc/v.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaex...t4/gradient.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/marq.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaex...it4settings.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/poem.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/rainbow.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/read.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/mwaextraedit4/type.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js (12 hours)

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Old 12-23-2012, 08:43 PM
Max Taxable's Avatar
Max Taxable Max Taxable is offline
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Dude, really. Ditch this custom skin and use the vB default until you get all of these issues worked out. This skin is so poorly designed, it will take a lunation to fix it.
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Old 12-23-2012, 10:49 PM
CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
CAG CheechDogg CAG CheechDogg is offline
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It's not so much that the custom skin is poorly designed though Max. All of vBulletin's default skins are missing the image dimensions for all of those images which is one of the areas in which Page Speed rates image dimensions as high priority.

Even if he used the default template he would still score low. He needs to implement that caching code I gave him into his .htaccess file and he will see good results and just add the image dimensions to all those images.

They are hard to find but not difficult. The best way for you to find them Dr_Mo7ammad is to copy just the actual image file portion, i.e. (collapse_tcat.gif) and then look for it in your templates by doing a template search in your admin cp.

You can also find the image by doing a search for (misc), (buttons), just depends where the image is located.

You will certainly have to use your head to find these images.

--------------- Added [DATE]1356306841[/DATE] at [TIME]1356306841[/TIME] ---------------

Here is a post I made a while back about how to add the image dimensions once you find the image in the templates:

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Old 12-27-2012, 08:11 AM
Dr_Mo7ammad Dr_Mo7ammad is offline
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i will do this

what about expiration date

The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources:

http://www.alltebfamily.com/google_analytics_auto.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...lapse_tcat.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...apse_thead.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...s/lastpost.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...design/alt.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../bbottombg.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...n/bbottoml.jpg (expiration not specified)

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Old 12-27-2012, 08:18 AM
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To fix that you need to add leverage browser caching, you still have not added the code to your htaccess like I suggested you do in this post:

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Panzer Max
Old 12-27-2012, 10:31 AM
Dr_Mo7ammad Dr_Mo7ammad is offline
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i will do this

what about expiration date

The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources:

http://www.alltebfamily.com/google_analytics_auto.js (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...lapse_tcat.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...apse_thead.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...s/lastpost.gif (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...design/alt.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte.../bbottombg.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://www.alltebfamily.com/vb/allte...n/bbottoml.jpg (expiration not specified)


--------------- Added [DATE]1356609962[/DATE] at [TIME]1356609962[/TIME] ---------------

no i put it in .htaccess
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Old 01-10-2013, 05:52 PM
Dr_Mo7ammad Dr_Mo7ammad is offline
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i really get bored from hostgator
they resuspend it again more early


Unfortunately, we were forced to suspend the script /home/mohammad/public_html/vb as it was causing a high load on the server. Due to this affecting all of the other accounts on the system, we had to take immediate action for the health of the server.

i donont know what to do
i did nearly all things you told me to do?????????????????//

--------------- Added [DATE]1357844577[/DATE] at [TIME]1357844577[/TIME] ---------------

should i change my hostage?
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