Version: , by dabean
Developer Last Online: Dec 2003
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 09-19-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 33
No support by the author.
Signature Image Management System (file based)
Updated: 27 June 2002, 12:22 AM BST
This hack allows users to upload a image or images that they can then use as part of the thier signature. All uploaded images are private to the user that uploaded them.
The hack requires that you have PHP 4.1.0 or newer for the upload functions to work correctly. PHP 4.0.6 can be used with modifications (not recommended).
The scripts can if enabled also prevent users from externally linking to the images they uploaded, please note this is done by HTTP_REFERER checking not all http servers or browsers support this however is more widely supported than Apache's mod_rewrite. Should you wish to stop deep linking then upload a image called badcontent.gif to your forums directory.
Further more instructions are provided in how to get this hack to work if you are using vBulletin's standard sig editor or a advanced sig editor hack.
Version 2.0 Updates
- remote storage support
- sig.php nolonger appears in online.php
- special [sig] vB code is used instead of [img] tags
Version 1.3 Updates
- fixed display bug
- added removal script to main package
- added test template set
Version 1.11 Updates
- Image width & height checking
- Extension checking
- More useful error messages
- Added a missing function
Current Version 1.3
Released 20th sept 2001
- vBulletin 2.0.3
- PHP 4.0.3+ (this hack has not been tested on PHP 3.0.17, it may or may not work)
- HTTP Server that supports HTTP_REFERER, (Apache 1.2+, IIS 4+)
- badcontent.gif in your forum directory
Screenshots can be found in the zip file.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Inside "edit profile" or the sig editor should you be using one there should be a little table headed "images" click the alter images link to upload/manage images. A popup window should open in that window you can upload, delete & replace images.
The example.png image in the archive should show this better than my pretty bad explaination.
Its not much but I could pay ya like 10 bucks to fix it for me so it works. lol My members want it but I cant spend any more time on it. I have client work that needs to get done. Or even just take a look and tell me whats wrong.
hehe, I'll fix it for free just um. email me your member.php file and i'll modify it. You should have my email addy from me registering over on your forums.
-- edit didn't see your last post but
every $sigimage<whatever> is eval'd to its correct template by the code.