Version: 1.00, by UKBusinessLive
Developer Last Online: Feb 2012
Category: Board Optimization -
Version: 3.7.4
Released: 12-04-2008
Last Update: Never
Installs: 26
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Ever wanted to see just how fast your board is loading?? Its a bit slow but your not sure how slow?? Just loaded a new hack - Is your board just as fast???
Well now you'll know with this simple little hack that sits queitly at the bottom of your footer. A timer starts when the page begins to parse and ends when it has completed loading all of the content. The result is the time in seconds of how fast (or slow) your forums are loading.
The Instructions are so simple too
ACP> Style Manager > Your Forum Style
1. Copy the code below into your forum's style headerinclude
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
Created by: Abraham Joffe :: */
var startTime=new Date();
function currentTime(){
var a=Math.floor((new Date()-startTime)/100)/10;
if (a%1==0) a+=".0";
// End -->
and post this code into the Footer
<div align="center">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
document.write('This Page took <span id="endTime">0.0</span> seconds to load.');
var loopTime=setInterval("currentTime()",100);
// End -->
Thats it, short, and sweet enjoy
Please Click install if you use this
Original Script Created by : Abraham Joffe
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Why would I want to pm you and why would it be nice?
Sorry if it was an innocent mistake but passing off other peoples work as your own is very common and I found it ironic when I saw the anti-plagiarism button on your site. If you had used that service or even a simple google you would have found the original code intact with credits.
Don't make out I'm the bad guy because I'm not. I just think that the coder deserves credit not you. I don't understand why some third party would forward you code only after removing the credit either but then again I don't believe a word you are saying.
Why would i want to pass someones work as my own??? if you do a google on page Load times you'll come up with Loads of scripts that enable you to do this, some with authors and copyright and some without.
Its the webmasters Toolkit which allows you to do this, I saw that Vbulletin didn't have a divx code so i made it using the above, mind you it didn't work first time, but then no ones perfect
I'd appriciate it if you could keep on topic here and stop posting what you think i did without any proof.
It is not enough to just name the author in this thread. You will need to include his copyright line in the script iteself:
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
Created by: Abraham Joffe :: */
Also if someone "gives" you a script, you should ensure that he is the copyright holder and does have the authority to redistribute the script and to give permission for further distribution. You can not just assume it is legal because someone gives it to you.
If someone suspects a release on is not according to the copyright rules, then please report it and a staff memebr will investigate. There is absolutly no reason to start long discussions on the forums about this.