Version: 2.00, by BuRaCh
Developer Last Online: Sep 2012
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 07-29-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 9
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Staff notice: This script version 2.0 is using an invalid product-id. Result of this is that you might not be able to uninstall or disable the modfication. We strongly recommend against installing this script until the author provided a fixed version.
So far I have switched of the two plugins under plugins and products -> plugin manager... scroll down to find the Bots plugin and there will be two - I justed switched them off for now. But I too can not disable nor unistall nor edit this product and it seems to have reeked a fair bit of havoc throughout the forum conflicting with other products - not sure which just yet but one was stopping new posts on the forum..
Can say that I am all that happy with it right now, nor the developer as I have had no response at all....
I'm not sure what this mod is really suppose to do. It seems that it would be easier for alot of peole just to edit the robots.txt file. Unless you only want for example your forum home index but not your threads, I can see the mod being very useful but not sure anything who would want to do that.
Matter of fact I can not uninstall, disable, edit or do anything through the manage products. Forum view is showing this error at the top of the page
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /global.php(554) : eval()'d code on line 394
Maybe you are using old version of vb? I am using 3.6.8, I have installed this hack and I disable it recently - I don't have any problem with it. I disable it because it interfere with one of my hack.
What error do you get when trying to remove it? The line I pasted above should just be placed in your config.php immediately after the first line:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
If after doing this, you STILL cannot remove the hack you'll need to provide whatever error messages you're receiving when trying to remove it.
I dont get any errors when trying to remove it. I can NOT click the buttons to uninstall, edit, disable in the manage products section. Every other product works no problem. I have even disabled all of the addons and only left this one there and still the button "go" is disabled... Got me stuffed.
Originally Posted by jerrygad
Maybe you are using old version of vb? I am using 3.6.8, I have installed this hack and I disable it recently - I don't have any problem with it.
I was running 3.6.7tpleteedt and now as of 20 mins ago running 3.6.8
I reinstalled the product with rewrite and it installed a second instance of the hack. That one worked and uninstalled. However the original one does not....
Maybe you are using old version of vb? I am using 3.6.8, I have installed this hack and I disable it recently - I don't have any problem with it. I disable it because it interfere with one of my hack.
Hack description
Your site a better effective at search engine..
(Advanced Robots.txt )
(Works also on 3.6......)
Not working for me 3.6.7 can not remove