Version: 1.1, by peterska2
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Version: 3.6.2
Released: 10-10-2006
Last Update: 10-11-2006
Installs: 28
Uses Plugins
Code Changes
No support by the author.
This modification allows you to set a minimum age for registration on your site.
It uses the vBulletin COPPA Cookie system, if you have it enabled, to stop people from clicking back in their browser to change the date of birth that they have entered.
The age is set via a setting in the vBOptions > User Registration Options.
This is a code modification, with the addition of a product to import the setting needed for this modification to work. Therefore, the code modification part will need to be carried out on each upgrade of vBulletin.
In order for this modification to work, the COPPA setting on your site must be set to deny registrations for users aged under thirteen years. The age that they will be denied at however is set by yourself in the user registration options.
This modification is for 3.6.x only. It is tested on 3.6.0 and 3.6.2 and should work on any later versions in the 3.6.x series. It will not work on anything earlier than 3.6.0, and may not work on later series.
Reports have been made that this does not work on 3.6.3 and 3.6.4 and so I expect that it will not work on anything later than 3.6.2
I will be looking into this when I get chance, but there may not be a fix for it, so please do not try this on 3.6.3 or later.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
A new version of the Minimum Age for Registration modification has been released.
To upgrade, redownload the zip (labeled v1.1) and import overwriting the existing product. Please check your plugins when you have done so and ensure that the plugin entitled "Check Age" has been removed. This code is not required and is the cause of the problems that some users have been reporting.
/me kicks self for not double checking the contents of the product file before uploading it
Would it be possible to add something to this so once someone tries to register and gets denied because of age, it automatically captures the IP and adds it to somewhere that will prevent that IP from registering?
If not...someone could just try and register with another name couldn't they? (excuse me if that's wrong...i've never used COPPA so don't really know how it works)
This uses the COPPA cookie built into vB so if you get a no permission message as you are under the minimum age that is set in the ACP then you will get the error everytime you click the register button. Of course this can be got around by clearing cookies, but like everything else you can't completely prevent people registering no matter their age but at least you can slow it down and anyone who does get through has lied about their age so you are in the clear as you can only work on the information that you have.
I've installed this to a 3.6.2 system and in testing find that when you receive the error restricting you from registering, you can bypass this by just clicking on the "Registration" link in the navbar, and continue on to successfully register. :ermm: