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Old 01-05-2006, 12:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Thug
tryed them i got a quote from them they said cos i have 50active members i need dedicated
i think you smoke a lot of carpet in the last days...

i'm actually hosting/managin 43 or 44 vb forums on hostgator, with no extra costs, and i can resume the activity to about 500 unique active members per day for each forum...

maybe your language barrier is higher than you think and you're not able to say the things properly, because actually, nobody understand your goal here!
Old 01-05-2006, 12:42 AM
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50 active a day is actually wrong..it's more around 180-250 active per-day. Sometimes the registrations spike from referrals, thats why we have had a bunch of sign-up's today.

Don't believe him? Then believe me

I'm the "Technical Administrator" there. Please, from this post on, keep replies to the topic's purpose (host recommendations).


- Tyler
Old 01-05-2006, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by TyleR
50 active a day is actually wrong..it's more around 180-250 active per-day. Sometimes the registrations spike from referrals, thats why we have had a bunch of sign-up's today.

Don't believe him? Then believe me

I'm the "Technical Administrator" there. Please, from this post on, keep replies to the topic's purpose (host recommendations).


- Tyler
Well it's hard to give suggestions when the baseline varies so much...

With something so minor as 180~250 active per day, your choice in hosts is nearly limitless - that's not exactly a huge site? Is there something specific missing in the data here?

What's the background with being kicked off repeatedly? Hosting illegal material? Short of porn, or torrents of some nature, how does one produce a spike of 2x the average regulars per day for one day of registrations?
Old 01-05-2006, 01:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jlaine
Well it's hard to give suggestions when the baseline varies so much...

With something so minor as 180~250 active per day, your choice in hosts is nearly limitless - that's not exactly a huge site? Is there something specific missing in the data here?

What's the background with being kicked off repeatedly? Hosting illegal material? Short of porn, or torrents of some nature, how does one produce a spike of 2x the average regulars per day for one day of registrations?
not exactly a huge site? i only mentioned active, I didnt mention hits/guest's, which soars to 10,000 a day. The reason it's being "kicked off", is nothing to do with it's content..it has nothing illegal by any Country's standards. No "torrents, pr0n, etc".

As for registration: it's because of our user-base..they like the site so much they refer their friends there..whats so hard to understand about that?
Old 01-05-2006, 01:57 AM
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Dedicated server. Geez.

You will not find a shared host that will take you on and be reliable. You need to realize that soon.

Also if you would manage the site better and not waste space showing the 500 members who registered today, which takes up a lot of server resources, you could probably make the best out of what you got now.

Good luck finding a reliable web server to take your traffic at 30 dollars a month. That is almost laughable when you have scripts installed that waste server resources.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:07 AM
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Originally Posted by TyleR
not exactly a huge site? i only mentioned active, I didnt mention hits/guest's, which soars to 10,000 a day. The reason it's being "kicked off", is nothing to do with it's content..it has nothing illegal by any Country's standards. No "torrents, pr0n, etc".

As for registration: it's because of our user-base..they like the site so much they refer their friends there..whats so hard to understand about that?
If you supposedly have that much traffic - then stop being cheap with the host... It's a pretty simple equation - just pony up the dough and stop bottom feeding through hosts to try to save a few bucks - you've seen the net result of those actions already.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:12 AM
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in response to Brent and jlaine:

i'm just their technical Admin..i know their sites stats, help keep it running smoothly, install stuff for them, etc..i dont pay for the hosting..Though I wish I could help him out, I can't..i'm very short on funds for my own site at the moment.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by TyleR
in response to Brent and jlaine:

Dont go pushing you're stuff on me..i'm just their technical Admin..i know their sites stats, help keep it running smoothly, install stuff for them, etc..i dont pay for the hosting..Though I wish I could help him out, I can't..i'm very short on funds for my own site at the moment.
Pushing stuff on you? I'm only stating the obvious - there is no insult intended - I'd think as the technical administrator you'd have expressed these ideas to the owner already as it seems like you've been put into a bind with A) the customers desires, and B) the customers budget. Personally I'd be saying sacrifice - either via cash or elimination of some site trinkets, but something has to give.

It's simple logic - if you're using relatively reliable hosts already that are kicking you off for consuming either too much processor time or bandwidth, then the only step you have left is either dedicated/managed or colocated - none of which will start even close to the $30/mo mark.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:33 AM
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Originally Posted by TyleR
in response to Brent and jlaine:

i'm just their technical Admin..i know their sites stats, help keep it running smoothly, install stuff for them, etc..i dont pay for the hosting..Though I wish I could help him out, I can't..i'm very short on funds for my own site at the moment.

I am not pushing stuff on anyone. I am telling you and him how it is.

You wont find anyone to take your site for 30 dollars a month. You need a dedicated server.

If he needs this to be translated into some other language for him to understand that then someone needs to.

What you need to do first is clean your site up imo. Stop wasting resources on showing all 500 users on the main page that registered. Why do you not just show the number. What the hell is the point of showing each user. Who cares who it is? No one is going to go down that list and read it. It is just a waste.

Originally Posted by Thug
thats my old host crap
asmallorange is hardly crap. However your site layout is.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:58 AM
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Originally Posted by BamaStangGuy
I am not pushing stuff on anyone. I am telling you and him how it is.

You wont find anyone to take your site for 30 dollars a month. You need a dedicated server.

If he needs this to be translated into some other language for him to understand that then someone needs to.

What you need to do first is clean your site up imo. Stop wasting resources on showing all 500 users on the main page that registered. Why do you not just show the number. What the hell is the point of showing each user. Who cares who it is? No one is going to go down that list and read it. It is just a waste.

asmallorange is hardly crap. However your site layout is.
Excuse me? that layout is pretty nice, actually. Don't go bashing other people's work..how'd you like it if I went to you're site and said "oh, i wont join you're site because it looks like crap".

That wouldnt be so nice, now would it?

now, to jlaine: yes, I worded my post wrong, thats why I edited it approx. 1 minute before you posted. However, Thug is not online at this time because of the time difference (he's in UK, im in US, etc.), or i'd be making these suggestions..however, it's not easy letting him know how things work..he wants everything, but doesnt understand about the server loads..i've tried telling him to cut back on ad's, and hacks due to a high server load, however he kept adding more and more ad's and hacks without letting me know.

Anywho, this is my last reply for the night; I have to be up early for some Test Drive's (i get a car in about a week, woot, lol).

- Tyler
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