Version: 2.0, by ericgtr
Developer Last Online: Feb 2022
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.0
Released: 08-10-2006
Last Update: 02-06-2007
Installs: 569
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
What it does:
This script will display profile info when you mouseover their username on the forumhome page, the javascript (ajax) is from See screenshot or test drive it here by waving your mouse over usernames in the What's Going On box (currently off for guests, see screenshot below)
By default this uses it's own CSS located in the CSS folder. To change the background color, edit ajax-tooltip.css and find /* Background color */ and change to your background color.
There is a space after each username, between the comma's. Currently working on fixing this.
If the name wraps to the next line, it will not display on mouseover.
The javascript box will run off the end if the forum width is at 100% for usernames on the edge. (currently working on this)
[8/13] Added the option to turn off for guests. This is ideal both to save server load and if you have the member list turned off for guess through the admin CP.
[10/28] Fixed broken page (css display) and included a Product installer.
[10/28] Now also shows "mousing over members" in the Who's Online page.
[11/1] Added a delay so it has to be moused over for a small amount of time before it will show. Removed caching and put a timer on it so there will no longer be a need to refresh the page to get the latest on where a user is, it will do it automatically.
Added option to make the window stay open so you can click within it or scroll (if scrollbars appear) clicking anywhere outside of it will close it. To do this:
In the forumhome_loggedinuser find:
Keep in mind that if you leave this on for guests, you must also allow guests to view member info. Admin CP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Unregistered / Not Logged In [edit] > Can View Member Info (Yes).
Upgrade and fresh install instructions are included in the zip file.
You should indicate in the instuctions and description above that this mod does not work with Macintosh computers using the Mac Safari standard browser. Large boards with a diverse membership using different computer platforms won't be able to use it.
IMO this doesn't warrant announcing it. Other than your mention of it I haven't heard any other complaints and those using Safari on a Mac are an exception in the large picture.
IMO this doesn't warrant announcing it. Other than your mention of it I haven't heard any other complaints and those using Safari on a Mac are an exception in the large picture.
Safari is the standard browser provided by Apple on the Mac ...
It's hardly an offbeat or unusual product....
You really should be disclosing that it doesn't work with Apple products...
I had done that originally but then Paul rewrote the mod. I just added this again to his new code. Please confirm that this works for you and I will then add it to the instructions.
i'm not sure if this happened to others. but for me, when i hovered over my own username it said "unknown location", as shown in the attached image.
i added this at the top of member_ajax.php and it solved the problem:
PHP Code:
define('LOCATION_BYPASS', 1);
also, i dont understand why you use another css than vbulletin. that screwed up some colors on my board
i edited ajax-tooltip.css, deleted the whole 'demo' part and left only these:
/* If you don't want the arrow - Just set the width of this div to 1 or something like that and drop the background selectors from the CSS below */
#ajax_tooltipObj .ajax_tooltip_arrow{ /* Left div for the small arrow */
// background-image:url('../images/arrow.gif');
background-position:center left;
#ajax_tooltipObj .ajax_tooltip_content{
border:1px solid #000000; /* Border width */
left:18px; /* Same as border thickness */
width:150px; /* Width of tooltip content */
height:250px; /* Height of tooltip content */
background-color:#EBEBEB; /* Background color */
padding:5px; /* Space between border and content */
font-size:0.8em; /* Font size of content */
overflow:auto; /* Hide overflow content */
and ajax-tooltip-demo.css is completely unneeded imho.
my guess is that you copied the demo parts of the css from the original ajax-tooltip plugin.
but you should remove them for the vbulletin plugin since vb has its own css
Never mind, I ended up editing my CSS file with what was here and it worked, but had to take out the bypass as it showed up on all users except for me. Works fine now.