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<!-- Real Embed SSITool (Embed pt1 of 2) v1.1 - do not copy, see http://intracat/ssi/ for usage -->
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document.write('For help downloading or upgrading RealPlayer for free, visit our <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/audiohelp.shtml?focuswin" target="_blank" class="downloadLink">audio/video help</a> page<br><br>');
document.write('Alternatively you can try to <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/video/otdvideo/86/05/03/nb/3118_03-05-86_4x3_nb.ram" class="downloadLink">play the clip in the standalone player</a> or <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/media/video/otdvideo/86/05/03/3118_03-05-86?bgc=6699CC&nbram=1&bbram=1&size=4x3&news=1&pref s=1" onclick="changePrefs()" class="downloadLink">change your preferences</a>.</b></font></div>');
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// alert("A clip must be started before you can set it to full size.");
// }
// else {
// alert("Press Esc to return to the original size.");
// document.rp1.SetFullScreen();
// }
Ok Install went good for me, many people are tuning in (>40 a day). However... On "Online Users" it says "Unknown Location - vbradio.php". Is there anyway of making it say "Listening to the Radio".
Ok Install went good for me, many people are tuning in (>40 a day). However... On "Online Users" it says "Unknown Location - vbradio.php". Is there anyway of making it say "Listening to the Radio".
hack to add custom WOL loactions...works a treat..and the best is, u can call em wot u want...heh heh..open to abuse if ya wanna get ure own back on a member....lol