um if you cant view journals make sure u inserted the journal_journalpage template and its corresponding templates
um did u the file edits to member.php correctly?
i dont know if i have a chance tonight i will take a look
I have made significant changes to the journal templates, so I thought that maybe I could provide them for those who want to have a slightly different look than the default at this point. I just have a few more to edit, so they will probably up this weekend at some point. Damn college and riding the bus for nearly 4 hours a day keeps my online time to a minimum. :tired:
Also, there have been quite a few noticeable errors in the templates, and I have yet to fix them. They have to do with the if conditional dealing with the proper way to display the name of the Journal(s). It shouldn't be an issue, and I'm sure there's a very simple solution to it...
PS - Thanks again for the to-die-for hack, AN-Net!
-- INSTALLED for over a week ... and the community loves it!
... one little tidbit that i cant seem to get over and a few members have suggestions to have improved is the ascending and descending of the entries in members own Journal.
currently it is set that when you add an entry it is the last one to be viewed (on the bottom) so ya have to scroll down, and if there are more pages, click over to the last page and scroll down to the bottom, in other words, a real CHORE.
... is it possible to have an ASCENDING / DESCENDING option for members to choose how they want to view the ACTUAL members journal?
i know this feature is already implemented in the actual Journal main list of journalists, but NOT in the actual member journal itself. i think it would be a welcomed improvement
Antonbomb22(Anthony Scudese) holds all rights to this code and code may not be redistributed,modifed, or duplicated without consent."
That's the longest tag line of any mod there is.
Originally Posted by nexialys
ya, infopro is right... AN-net, you don't need to apply such a tagline, this kind of tag is useless and protect you nowhere...
just keep it clean in the files, that's all you can ask for a good credit. keep the version line, but not the long tagline please... (its usual procedural.)
I agree, can we just keep it in the file's instead? (especially since tag lines are kinda annoying to have on pages)
I'm trying to make a movie review for the site, and I was wondering which files I'd have to modify in order to change "journal" to "review". Can someone help me out here, please?
I finally figure out why I the delete and edit button doesn't show up. On my board member can belong two or more usergroups. If I have my users belong to one group, then the permission to delete and edit works. If I have my users belong to two or more groups, then the permission to delete and edit works doesn't work
I setup my Register User group "Allow Users to have Member Groups" to Yes. It still doesn't work.
Would you please help me on this
You are absolutely right. I have the same problem with my users. Any news on how to fix this??
I am also noticing the problem with the moods not showing up consistently...