Version: 2.3, by gspot
Developer Last Online: Aug 2008
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 04-27-2004
Last Update: 04-16-2005
Installs: 149
DB Changes
No support by the author.
Are you looking for statistics on the number of referrals your members have made? Or are interested in promoting your website by allowing members to engage in a referral competition?
To show referral statistics from members and to manage referral competitions.
- this hack is to help you manage your forums referrals
- promote new user registrations
- perfect for contests/promotional giveaways or incentives for referrals
- INSTALL today and start managing your boards referrals.
- Limit the number of results shown
- Admin ability to reset all members referrals to zero
- Admin ability to reset "specific members" referrals to zero
- Includes an update to your whois online
- Up-to-date listing on when you last reset all members referrals to zero
*** Seen in the admincp and an option for all members to view
- Total number of referrals since last reset
*** viewable in admincp and again an option for all members to view
- Pagination is now included and an option for another at bottom of results
- Shows up-to-date total number of board referrals
- Shows leading referrer in admincp
- Ability to limit referral results by number of posts or a usergroupid(s)
- Configuration is now done in admincp
- Auto installer now included w/ auto un-installer
I will like always SUPPORT my hacks
Thanks goes out to: unixman - for all the referred members are now clickable to their profile.
Total install time: less than 3 minutes.
New templates: 2 - refer, referbit
New files to upload: 2 pages
Edit templates: 2 - footer, /includes/functions_online.php
File edit: 1 - /admincp/index.php
** 4/17/05 - Version 2.3 Released = Includes many new one click options in the admincp, also auto configures your vbulletin path (which many people were having errors performing) **
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
paulz - can you please post a picture of the problem your facing in the admincp. I might be able to help you.. I'm going to change the installation instructions to make them a little more clearer for people. Sorry.
it has to do with phrases, but i honestly don't have time to manually find/fix them all in the php file. thanks for the help!
oh, and i think screen 1 is just a bulleting issue (being outside the table)
Yeah, it least I believe I have it right. (hard to tell cause of the stupid blank config referral statistics page even with the newest 2.1 RS hack and the fixit.php file) I'll have to check again to make sure. Talk to you later on AIM about this, thanks
blank page almost always means a blank/broken template. make sure the style you are using has the right remplates for the hack.
blank page almost always means a blank/broken template. make sure the style you are using has the right remplates for the hack.
Actually, I meant I see exactly the pics that you just posted not too long ago. It's not exactly blank, just no phrases (sorry, I didn't make that clear)
But I still get that Internal Server Error when I go to referrals.php... (chmod 777)
Actually, I meant I see exactly the pics that you just posted not too long ago. It's not exactly blank, just no phrases (sorry, I didn't make that clear)
But I still get that Internal Server Error when I go to referrals.php... (chmod 777)
the insternal server error is definitely that you don't have the directory set in your admincp>referralstats setup. if your hosted on a linus server, it's prolly gonna be something like
when i did this, it gave me a chdir error cuz i had forgotten the preceding "/" in front of home. putting this is made the referral stats work fine.
to enter in the directory in your admin, go to that page, and the first box is where you put the path, save, and you should be all set on the user end.
I have updated the zip file again to reflect changes in the install of this hack. I have also updated the installation instructions.
I have updated by board to version 3.0.6 and I uninstalled this hack completely, then I ran the installation through the auto installer and smack dab, everything is working correctly. Try following the new instructions...
I have updated the zip file again to reflect changes in the install of this hack. I have also updated the installation instructions.
I have updated by board to version 3.0.6 and I uninstalled this hack completely, then I ran the installation through the auto installer and smack dab, everything is working correctly. Try following the new instructions...
ummm ok should I dl this or stick with 2.0?
Hi Gspot.
i finally did the upgrade to the new version.
Im having 2 small issues...
1. Can't see "referaal Statistics' option in admin panel. Its there... but hidden. See attached pic.
2. I do not get the full text on the configuration settings.!! what cud be missing? the phrases? how can I ad those?
3. what does RESET REFFERAL do now in the new version??? the option in admin panel under USERS. it open a BLANK page when i click on it. does it needs to be removed?
paws - make sure you followed the instructions from start to finish. Make sure that when you set-up the referral statistics in the admincp that you entered in the full path to your vbulletin forum example: /home/www/mywebsite/vbulletin/forums/ including the last backslash.
t3media - You should be fine upgrading, just download the latest zip file and follow the instructions start to finish.
THAT IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM HERE, PEOPLE NOT FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS - maybe I should require the vbulletin path again to be edited by hand in the actual files, let me know what you think T3MEDIA.