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Everywhere Sidebar 4 VB4
Version: 1.5.3, by almannai almannai is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 01-21-2010 Last Update: 07-17-2012 Installs: 1016
No support by the author.


Latest news::
  • [8.3.2012]ESB Gold is updated to 2.2.14 with some bugs fixed ( Tested on vb 4.2 ).
  • [7.20.2012]ESB Gold is updated to 2.2.13 with some bugs fixed ( Tested on vb 4.2 ).
  • [18.7.2012]ESB Free is updated to 1.5.3 to support activity stream ( Tested on vb 4.2 ).
  • [7.6.2012]ESB Gold is updated to 2.2.10 with some bugs fixed ( Tested on vb 4.2 ).
  • [25.5.2012]ESB Gold is updated to 2.2.8 to support activity stream ( Tested on vb 4.2 ).
  • [20.5.2012]ESB Free version is updated with some bugs fixed to 1.5.2 (tested on 4.1.12. Make to sure to upload cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml again and follow the installation steps ).
  • [27.4.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to 2.2.7 ( NO Need For "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" anymore).
  • [19.4.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to 2.2.6 ( NO Need For "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" anymore).
  • [16.4.2012]ESB Free version is updated with some bugs fixed to 1.5.1 (tested on 4.1.11. Make to sure to upload cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml again and follow the installation steps ).
  • [15.4.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to 2.2.5 (tested on 4.1.12 works fine with both "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" Yes or No ).
  • [26.2.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to 2.2.4 (Tested and Running fine On vb4.1.11).
  • [6.2.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to2.2.2.
  • [3.2.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed to2.2.1.
  • [30.1.2012]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed and to make sure is working well with vbulletin 4.1.10.
  • [03.12.2011]ESB 1.5 released with major bugs fixed and tested on vbulletin 4.1.8.
  • [22.11.2011]ESB Gold is updated with some bugs fixed and to make sure is working well with vbulletin 4.1.8.
  • [30.09.2011] Bug fixed 2.1.6 (Gold version).
  • [11.08.2011] ESB SG discussions not showing fixed in
  • [11.06.2011] ESB go to the bottom of the page when "store css as file" set to yes bug fixed with
  • [11.06.2011] Loading page and force insert css bug fixed with
  • [06.06.2011] Some bug fixed with and new onload option introduced
  • [04.06.2011] More stable with 1.4.4 version with a css style sorted out
  • [15.05.2011] Minor bugs in 1.4.3 version is fixed by
  • [12.05.2011] Have more control over sidebar with the 1.4.3 version. It is available download it now.
  • [10.01.2011] 1.4.1 pl1 is available.
  • [09.01.2011] Bug found in 1.4.1 where it will not show the content of Custom HTML/PHP
    blocks. This will be fixed in pl1 of this mod version.
  • [07.01.2011] Bug found in 1.4.1 where it will display disabled blocks. This can be fixed by using block filter for now.
  • [03.01.2011] The 1.4.1 Full version is released. This version is tested on vb4.1 and should work with no problem on vb4.1. This does not mean it will not work on other vb versions but it should work. Last You must uninstall previous version as this is different than the full version.
  • [30.12.2010] The 1.4.1 Lite is released. This version is tested on vb4.1 and should work with no problem on vb4.1. That does not mean it will not work on other vb versions but it is not guaranteed. The Lite version will display sidebar on forumhome, forumdisplay, album, faq and calendar.
  • [29.12.2010] I'm running out of time to keep up my word to release 1.4.1 before the end of the year. So I will release 1.4.1 lite for now then we will see later for gold version.
  • [20.12.2010]This mod will be updated to 1.4.1 version soon (hopefully before the end of 2010) From now on the last two digits of mod version will represent vb version so the next update is for vb4.1.
What is this:
By default VB4 sidebar will be shown only on forum home page. This mod Will display the Sidebar everywhere in the forum. This mod assumes that you already set your sidebar block from "forum blocks manager".

Current Version:
1.5.3 (Free)
2.2.13 (Gold)

Latest Technology

Features :
  • Add ESB to Blog (Gold version only).
  • Option to set ESB in blog sidebar (Gold version only).
  • Option to replace blog sidebar by ESB (Gold version only).
  • Option to set blog sidebar width (Gold version only).
  • Show sidebar in the vbcms pages (Gold version only).
  • Rotating Ad system included in the sidebar (Gold version only).
  • Filter Block by usergroups (Gold version only).
  • More options with advance settings of the sidebar (Gold version only).
  • No backlink to our website (Gold version only).
  • The sidebar will be displayed everywhere in the forum.
  • With more than 20 setting you can enable and disable sidebar very easily on any any page.
  • You can hide sidebar in the excluded forums mod options.
  • You can show sidebar for all or show it for non members.
  • Now you don't have to enable sidebar from option. Enabling this mod will enable sidebar everywhere. But you need to set sidebar blocks from "forum blocks manager".
  • All previous bugs have been fixed.
  • The ability to exclude certain usergroups.
  • The ability to turn sidebar off for certain forum styles.
  • The ability to place the side bar on custom pages.
  • The ability to control displaying sidebar when forum is closed.
  • The ability to set different blocks for different forums [ver 1.2].
  • Don't Allow sidebar to be collapsed and force it to be always visible[ver 1.3]. To enable this you need to set "Don't hide ESB switch" from mod options to yes.
  • In 1.3.3 you have ability to exclude groups from the above feature that is to be always visible. So that the excluded group members will be able to collapse ESB.
  • In 1.3.4 the vertical collapse button is removed and blocks is forced to by expanded if "Don't hide ESB switch" is set to yes as requested in this post
  • In 1.4.1 pl1 custom html/php block bug and some other bugs were fixed.
  • In 1.4.3 you can set sidebar width and sidebar button top alignment from mod options.

Requested Features [ To Do ] :
  • -

Mod requirements:
  • The mod is tested on default vb style with no other mods. So we gurantee that mod will work on the default vb style with no conflict with other mod.
  • As a courtesy we may make minor fix so the plugin works on styles other than the default but we are not hold to it.

1. Download plugin.
Only free ver:If you are using vb4.1.11 or above download the "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" and upload "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" to /includes/xml directory.

2. Login to your vBulletin admincp.

3. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".

4. Click on "[Add/Import Product]".

5. Import the product-everywhere_sidebar_xxx.xml file that you download. Make sure you set "allow overwrite" to "yes".
Only free ver:Also if you are updating the product you need to disable then enable (or even un-install then install) the product to let the product knows about the "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml".

Optional steps for setting different blocks for different forums and pages:

6. Go to mod options
Admincp->Settings->options->EveryWhere Sidebar (ESB) options

7. Go down until you see "Block Configuration Switch" check "yes" and save.

8. Go to you forum home you will see all your blocks even the empty ones with blockid below each blcok as in this picture.

9. Any block you want to hide add its block id with colon on "Filter Blocks by forums" or "Filter Blocks by page" text box in the mod options. For example to hide block_html_7 on all forums except forum id 1 and 2 we will add this "block_html_7:1,2" without qoutes to "Filter Blocks by forums"box; and to hide it in all other pages except faq and calendar we will add this "block_html_7:faq,calendar" without qoutes to "Filter Blocks by pages" box. See picture below

10 To hide inactive blocks and blockid title for admins set back "Block Configuration Switch" to "No" and save

Optional step to force sidebar to be always visible and hide collapse button :

11. Go to mod options
Admincp->Settings->options->EveryWhere Sidebar (ESB) options

12. Set "Don't hide ESB switch" to "yes" and save.

Optional steps for Translation install:
Download the german translation from here
To import the German translation goes as follows:
Admincp => Languages & Phrases download => Languages / upload => Click on "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer" click Browse and select the translation from => at "Language Override chooses her German => Import => Done

Optional steps for vBadvanced:(Not supported)
This thread is created by qG ThaLiX, he asked then he answers his question intersting thread. I don't have vBadvanced but it seams it is working from the replies.

Instructions for custom pages:

Please note: You don't need this unless you are planning to show sidebar on cutom pages.

1. First enable showing sidebar for custom pages from mod options.

2. Open your custom template search for

PHP Code:
{vb:raw navbar
add below

PHP Code:
{vb:raw sidebaropen
search for

PHP Code:
{vb:raw footer
add above

PHP Code:
{vb:raw sidebarext

3. Open custom page php file and before the render line "$templater->render();" add

PHP Code:
assuming you are using $templater as variable change it as required

save and upload you php file

4. You are done

How To Add Blocks To Sidebar:
From your admincp click on "Forums & Moderators" then click "Forum Blocks Manager". Hit "Add Block" you will see a dropdown list of block types. Select the type of block you want and hit continue. Now set your block and save. You are done and this new block should be shown on your sidebar.

Bugs fix:
ver 1.1.2
1. Fixed for custom pages the sidebar will always be on the right side.
ver 1.1.3
1.Fixed compatibility with vb 4.0.2.
ver 1.1.4
1.Fixed when store CSS Stylesheets as Files enabled.
ver 1.2.2
1.Fixed now it is shown on editpost and newreply pages.
2. Fixed blank screen when user is logged with same username and password.
3. Fixed in displaying the correct block id in block configuration mode.
ver 1.3.1
1. Minor bug fixed to adjust sidebar when force to make it always visible.
ver 1.3.3
1. Minor bug fixed that is a php block is not visible in forumhome.
1. More stable, better optimized and fixed previous compatibility problems.
ver 1.4.4
1. Css style is sorted to better sidebar looking.
Some bugs fixed with new onload option introduced
Loading page and force insert css bug fixed with
ESB go to the bottom of the page when "store css as file" set to yes bug fixed with

To Fix Quickreply width:
If you have the problem of quickreply coming to wide please use Mike instructions to fix Forum bug:

1. Open editor.css and find

PHP Code:
.quickreply textarea {
editor_textbox.quickreply iframe {

2. Change it to

PHP Code:
.editor_textbox textarea {
quickreply textarea {
editor_textbox.quickreply iframe {

To Adjust sidebar top level:

form admincp

open forumhome.css in the style you want to change or use the master style to effect all styles

change the padding size for #sidebar_container as you wish
padding:50px 0;
Note:In the new vb versions sidebar css has been moved from forumhome.css to separate file called sidebar.css
Most asked question:

Q:I've installed your sidebar mod and it works fine except on the forumhome! The sidebar is showing at the bottom of the page. Any idea how to fix it?

A:It is either due to one of these:
1. you are using a custom style that is changing the forumhome look.
2. You are using a nother mod that is changing the content of froumhome before this ESB.

ESB needs to see this in forumhome
PHP Code:
<div id="pagetitle"
So to tix this problem you either need to make sure that
PHP Code:
<div id="pagetitle"
exist in the correct location or change ESB forumhome plugin to search for a new phrase.

for the latest version 1.4.1+ it looks for
PHP Code:
{vb:raw navbar
PHP Code:
{vb:raw footer
so if you are setting new style make sure not to remove or change
PHP Code:
{vb:raw navbar
PHP Code:
{vb:raw footer
location to get sidebar in the proper location.

To Get Support:
  • Hit Mark as Installed from top right.
  • You have to put your website link.
  • If you include a screenshot you will get a better support.
  • Don't say for example "Doesn't Work" be more descriptive.

Gold Everywhere sidebar can be ordered from here
Old versions can be downloaded from here


Download Now

File Type: zip product-everywhere_sidebar_1.4.4.4.zip (7.7 KB, 979 views)
File Type: zip product-everywhere_sidebar_1.5.zip (8.4 KB, 1162 views)
File Type: xml cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml (196 Bytes, 828 views)
File Type: zip product-everywhere_sidebar_1.5.2.zip (8.5 KB, 368 views)
File Type: zip product-everywhere_sidebar_1.5.3.zip (8.4 KB, 1699 views)


File Type: gif sidebar_block_setting1.gif (6.8 KB, 0 views)
File Type: gif sidebar_block_setting2.gif (28.5 KB, 0 views)
File Type: gif sidebar_block_setting3.gif (30.7 KB, 0 views)

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 04-23-2010, 03:26 PM
almannai almannai is offline
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Originally Posted by Peter Ostry View Post
I get the point of the developer but in this case the will of users and designers is definitely to see the sidebar always on all pages. Nobody in the forum actually wants or needs to close the sidebar. But users do it because they can do it, afterwards they forget the meaning of the arrow button and don't find the content they are looking for. They may interpret the button as some graphical ornament or whatever.


The suggestion made by chiptz does almost work but unfortunately has a side effect:
Removing the link of the open/close button in 'sidebarext_temp' does not remove it from the start page, where it remains operable. And if you close the sidebar on the start page, it isn't displayed on the subpages. There is just an empty space where the sidebar should be.

Is there something in the FORUMHOME template I could modify to force an open sidebar? Maybe I can set the variable $vboptions['sidebarposition'] permanently to 1 somehow, or is this a matter of the mod itself?

If I just manage to remove the arrow button, I may run into an unsolvable problem, because users whose sidebar is currently collapsed won't have the chance to get it open again. So one of the following methods would be best at the moment:

1) Keeping the sidebar always open, with or without the arrow button. Important is, that the sidebar stays open.


2) Forgetting the users sidebar status between sessions. If they really "lose" their sidebar, it should be here again after a new login.

Any hints?

My last option would be to replace the default 'ornamental' arrow button by a text button that tells the user what to do.
Off the top of my head

From the global_start hook on the top search for
PHP Code:
replace it with
PHP Code:

Let me know how it goes.

Again I don't recommend this change to anybody
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Old 04-23-2010, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Peter Ostry View Post
in this case the will of users and designers is definitely to see the sidebar always on all pages. Nobody in the forum actually wants or needs to close the sidebar. But users do it because they can do it, afterwards they forget the meaning of the arrow button and don't find the content they are looking for. They may interpret the button as some graphical ornament or whatever.
So, just because you have a few brain dead users you want to eliminate the option for everyone? That's awfully presumptuous of you. Right this minute I'm browsing with my sidebar collapsed - at work, with a smaller screen and slower connection it makes no sense to have the sidebar open. But when I get home with the larger screen and faster connection I keep it open. Choice!

Be very careful about trying too hard to please a few stupid people. And never assume they're all that stupid until you've actually reminded them how to do it.
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:47 AM
ps2wiz ps2wiz is offline
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Originally Posted by Videx View Post
So, just because you have a few brain dead users you want to eliminate the option for everyone? That's awfully presumptuous of you. Right this minute I'm browsing with my sidebar collapsed - at work, with a smaller screen and slower connection it makes no sense to have the sidebar open. But when I get home with the larger screen and faster connection I keep it open. Choice!

Be very careful about trying too hard to please a few stupid people. And never assume they're all that stupid until you've actually reminded them how to do it.
Well said.
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Old 04-24-2010, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Peter Ostry View Post
I get the point of the developer but in this case the will of users and designers is definitely to see the sidebar always on all pages. Nobody in the forum actually wants or needs to close the sidebar. But users do it because they can do it, afterwards they forget the meaning of the arrow button and don't find the content they are looking for. They may interpret the button as some graphical ornament or whatever.


The suggestion made by chiptz does almost work but unfortunately has a side effect:
Removing the link of the open/close button in 'sidebarext_temp' does not remove it from the start page, where it remains operable. And if you close the sidebar on the start page, it isn't displayed on the subpages. There is just an empty space where the sidebar should be.

Is there something in the FORUMHOME template I could modify to force an open sidebar? Maybe I can set the variable $vboptions['sidebarposition'] permanently to 1 somehow, or is this a matter of the mod itself?

If I just manage to remove the arrow button, I may run into an unsolvable problem, because users whose sidebar is currently collapsed won't have the chance to get it open again. So one of the following methods would be best at the moment:

1) Keeping the sidebar always open, with or without the arrow button. Important is, that the sidebar stays open.


2) Forgetting the users sidebar status between sessions. If they really "lose" their sidebar, it should be here again after a new login.

Any hints?

My last option would be to replace the default 'ornamental' arrow button by a text button that tells the user what to do.
Sure, to have the sidebar always on on forum home page find in FORUMHOME and remove:

<a id="sidebar_button_link" href="#">
	<vb:if condition="$show['sidebarposition'] == 'left'">
	<img id="sidebar_button" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tab-collapsed-left.png" alt="" />
	<vb:else />
	<img id="sidebar_button" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tab-collapsed.png" alt="" />
BTW, one of the good reasons to remove the possibility to collapse the sidebar is if you have advertisments on the collapsible bar. You wouldn'd want to say to your advertisers that you have 1.000.000 views for his ad when in fact half of them is on a collapsed sidebar.

I do think the content of bar is loaded even if it is collapsed. You might just want to be able to put there something that you don't want users to be able to hide it. Or you can just design your site to on specific pages the layout of the page is already considered with a sidebar.
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Old 04-25-2010, 08:15 AM
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Is there any way to disable this hack completely for a specific style please?
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Old 04-25-2010, 08:54 AM
Cedric_FP Cedric_FP is offline
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Would it be possible to expand the hack so that the sidebar is visible in the CMS as well as the blog?
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Old 04-25-2010, 09:57 AM
mp4sverige mp4sverige is offline
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Instructions for custom pages:
1. First enable showing sidebar for custom pages from mod options.
1. Where do i find mod options?

2. How do i exclude the sidebar from showing in threads.

Thanks for a great mod.
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Old 04-25-2010, 10:21 AM
almannai almannai is offline
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Originally Posted by MikeWarner View Post
Is there any way to disable this hack completely for a specific style please?
Not yet..

Originally Posted by Cedric_FP View Post
Would it be possible to expand the hack so that the sidebar is visible in the CMS as well as the blog?
I don't know if this is possible (required) as cms and blog has its own permenant sidebar.

Originally Posted by mp4sverige View Post
1. Where do i find mod options?

2. How do i exclude the sidebar from showing in threads.

Thanks for a great mod.
from admincp goto
settings->options-> Everywhere sidebar options
that is for 1 and 2
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Old 04-25-2010, 12:36 PM
stained stained is offline
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Originally Posted by Videx View Post
So, just because you have a few brain dead users you want to eliminate the option for everyone? That's awfully presumptuous of you. Right this minute I'm browsing with my sidebar collapsed - at work, with a smaller screen and slower connection it makes no sense to have the sidebar open. But when I get home with the larger screen and faster connection I keep it open. Choice!

Be very careful about trying too hard to please a few stupid people. And never assume they're all that stupid until you've actually reminded them how to do it.
In common with another member I also have ads in my sidebar so I'd like to prevent guests and my non-premium members from collapsing the relevant boxes so there is a need for the facility to hide the collapse buttons.

Many thanks for the mod Allmanai. Could I ask a quick question? I hide other ads from my premium users by wrapping the google script in the following:

PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 29)">
ad script

<vb:if condition="$adsshown[] = 9"></vb:if></vb:if> 
There will no doubt be a simple answer to this question but would you happen to know why the sidebar ads still show despite this code?

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Old 04-25-2010, 12:43 PM
ranz ranz is offline
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Awesome mod - well done! :up:
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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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Phrase Groups Available:
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Included Files:
  • ./showthread.php
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  • ./includes/init.php
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  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_reputation.php
  • ./includes/functions_post_thanks.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
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  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_bit_start
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  • bbcode_parse_complete
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  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete