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Old 11-10-2005, 02:07 PM
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hey, wasnt me this time!
Old 11-10-2005, 02:10 PM
EasyTarget EasyTarget is offline
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I tried searching the thread and couldni't find it, but someone posted a link to a site which they said had premium hacks for vBulletin or something. Can anyone repost it if they remember?

Originally Posted by The Geek
My only concern is that if that community were to take off, it would render .org totally useless.
I don't think it would change much here seeing as how .org gets the direct links/advertising from .com
Old 11-10-2005, 02:25 PM
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How ironic is that Easy! The problem there are many premium hack sites - depends on what you are after.What I was meaning about the .org statement was that IF the community were to start to grow it could affect .org as it could become impotent without the people that release code here. If a co-op site were set up with all the things we have all been suggesting and it works better for the coders, there is always a chance many may not be bothered to post around here as much. (Damn, now I'm being a doom-sayer!)

MP - looks like someone travelled back in time! vbprofessionals has been registered for 3 years! I just tried at least 10 other variants and could only come up with vbaddons which is pants
Old 11-10-2005, 02:34 PM
noppid noppid is offline
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Originally Posted by EasyTarget
I tried searching the thread and couldni't find it, but someone posted a link to a site which they said had premium hacks for vBulletin or something. Can anyone repost it if they remember?

I don't think it would change much here seeing as how .org gets the direct links/advertising from .com

I posted a link to a vB site that allows advertising of any software. It has not caught on for vB hacks, but anyone that has one should have it posted there with a link.

*** Once in a thread is enough ***

The owner is a nice guy and welcomes the posts. I have nothing to do with the place except that I use it.
Old 11-10-2005, 02:35 PM
EasyTarget EasyTarget is offline
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Originally Posted by The Geek
MP - looks like someone travelled back in time! vbprofessionals has been registered for 3 years! I just tried at least 10 other variants and could only come up with vbaddons which is pants
oddly enough, I've seen this before. One day a group of us was looking at a name to register. We checked the status and it was fine. The next day we decided to register it and it was gone. We looked up the info shortly after and it had the correct day, then when we rechecked it said it had been registered for a couple years??

That's not a field that the domain owner can edit is it?

As far as the link, I wasn't looking for any link for premium hacks, but there is/was some post in this thread that I wanted to check out and I can't find it now.

ok, thanks noppid I think that's it. I jumped to the conclusion that it had a lot of vb mods I guess. Thanks for the post.
Old 11-10-2005, 03:06 PM
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I'd be willing to setup a board for Paid Modifications seperate from vB.org using what vB.org staff wish to volunteer for people to advertise their products on - If the idea works well then we as a team could present it to Jelsoft...

I don't want to take away from the Community here but I can't see that any solution will make everyone happy...

Old 11-10-2005, 03:11 PM
jmw jmw is offline
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Originally Posted by The Geek
Haven't been about as much lately since the whole "you are evil because you are going commercial" threads kicked off a few months ago.

I popped in today and was browsing about appalled to see the same mentality and anger toward people who decide that their time and investment should be met with something equal from the people who benefit from it.

In other words - a lot of angry .orgers with a mob mentality toward anything remotely commercial (although ironic that vB isn't lumped into this).

What is up? Sure, OK, .orgers rules: hear no commercial, see no commercial, speak no commercial - however I think its ridiculous to get all agro because someone who released something free then decides that its not worth his time continuing the process unless he gets something out of it. The funniest thing is that most agro/bullying in these situations come from people who do not contribute to .org, they are just users.

Please guys, not everyone can be devoted to code the hours of a part time job for you for free. Cut some people some slack otherwise you are going to have less and less talent here and more and more unfinished or half assed projects. It is true on many levels that you generally get what you pay for

On a similar note, it was discussed at some length ways to provide avenues for commercial and free scripts here. I'm not wanting to stir that up again - however this was awhile ago. Any further progress? I guess your priority is to upgrade to 3.5X first.

Really odd to see the 'ultimate (but only if its free) resource for vB' be on an outdated version. Kind of like going to a MS convention watching them demo on Windows 98 boxes (what kind of message does that send customers!)

Anyhooo - cant we all get along. There is a hell of a lot more in the world to get uptight about than 'hey, this guy was secretly planning on holding the world to ransom when his script came out of beta! He OWES US a final!' - many times people dont plan things that way - life somtimes just changes things.

(let the flames begin :tired: )

What many of the people here in this forum don't get through their thick skull is that not everybody likes free hacks. Most of vbulletin customers don't know a thing about a line of code (not my words but vbulletin's). This hack forum is only for geeks not for the majority of customers of vbulletin. We need paid hacks! Paid hacks should be a forum at the top of this forum not hidden where it is now.

Many people just hate these free hacks myself included. You have to chase the hack developers to do an update on the darn hacks and put up with their .... I'd like to see paid hacks around here but the mentality (of some of the geeks) in this forum is FREE FREE FREEE HACKS BUT IF THERE IS A BUG, YOU ARE SCREWED TILL THE NEXT UPDATE, IF EVER! Meantime, your forum paralized. Example: ucash, ushop and many others.

I guess you coders don't like money. There are hundred of thousand$ to be made by selling hacks for vbulletin. I have posted hack projects here before but nobody answers. It is just 'cause of the mentality of this forum FREE FREE FREE and unreliable!

Again, if you need another push I repeat, most customers of vbulletin don't know a line of code and we members need coders that develop hacks for it and keep them up-to-date. There is a lot of money to be made! Look at how much money Nash is making by creating hacks for phpprobid! http://www.nashbrooklyn.com/forums/forum-89.html I have bought every single mod he has released for phpprobid. He keeps them up-to-date too! You ask him for a mod, he and his team develop it and sell it to his customer base. Customers are happy, he is happy. No coder chasing or problems going on. End of story.
Old 11-10-2005, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris M
I'd be willing to setup a board for Paid Modifications seperate from vB.org using what vB.org staff wish to volunteer for people to advertise their products on - If the idea works well then we as a team could present it to Jelsoft...

I don't want to take away from the Community here but I can't see that any solution will make everyone happy...

That would be great but who would pay the hosting & domain fees?
Old 11-10-2005, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris M
I'd be willing to setup a board for Paid Modifications seperate from vB.org using what vB.org staff wish to volunteer for people to advertise their products on - If the idea works well then we as a team could present it to Jelsoft...

I don't want to take away from the Community here but I can't see that any solution will make everyone happy...


so unoriginal, I know :ermm:
Old 11-10-2005, 03:17 PM
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Starting to come together now

I (like other coders I know) would be more than happy to work as a team to create a co-operative site for showcasing premium commercial add ons. After jmw's interesting post - its becoming more blatantly obvious that its needed (I think).

I only have to protest about him quoting my post and using geek in a derogatory manner. After all, I'm on his side!

Next step: Maybe get together via IRC and bang about ideas.
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