Version: 1.00, by Nebula
Developer Last Online: Dec 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-06-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 257
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Heya everyone. This is a beta release of my importer that converts phpBB2 (RC4 or greater) into vBulletin. It should convert into vBulletin 2.2.0 or greater.
To install the script:[list=1][*]Download bbimport_phpbb2.php from this post (You can only download it if you have entered your username in the vBulletin Members Area, DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ASKING ME TO SEND IT TO YOU!!)[*]Open your FTP program of choice, and upload it to the /importers directory in your vBulletin folder (You may need to create this folder if you have never run an importer before)[*]Log into your vBulletin Control Panel[*]On the left navigation pane, find the 'Import & Maintenance' section, and click on 'BB Import Systems'[*]In the page that loads, select 'phpBB2 RC4+', and click 'Begin Import'[*]Follow the instructions from there[/list=1]
Post your results here! Let me know anything that goes wrong, or your success story
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Ok fix this on a Cpanel server its really very easy. Just go into your Cpanel config, go into the mysql section of it. Then add your vbulliten user name to the phpbb database table.
Hope that helps any future problems you guys may have.
As for people who do not use Cpanel, then you can try to do it manually,or using phpmyadmin(please reffer to the documentation for that.)
If you don't have CPanel (which is sad, it is a wonderful tool, yet semi-expensive for the ISP), just email your ISP asking them to add your vBulletin mysql username to the phpBB database. The same username needs to be in both databases, just for the sake of the script, and PHP not handling multiple connections well.
And, I haven't tried it, but I have a feeling that can't be done with phpMyAdmin unless you had mySQL root-level access...because otherwise anyone could add their username to your database and steal passwords/delete it/mess around/etc...
I`ve installed this, and import up the the point where it imports the topics.
I get this error while importing 151-175 topics :
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.4:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1075399389,location='' WHERE sessionhash='4e630efc1fd97e8b178daf1889565516'
mysql error: Table 'minim_xmb1.session' doesn't exist
Just wanted to say.... AWESOME! I just ran through a test import and your script worked beautifully with no errors. Seeing as it was just a test run at this point I pretty much selected every option I could with the only one that didn't turn out too well being the phpBB2 styles... and that's no big deal at all. Oh, that's from a phpBB2 board with over 70+ hacks installed too btw.
So... will the vB3 version be ready by Friday? Just askin.... LOL Thanks for this Nebula.
Good luck. I hope it works out for you If you encounter any problems, post them here.
Wow! That was too close to disaster for my liking. I ran a couple of test imports during the week just to be sure everything would be okay... and I thought it did. What I did not notice was that all the userID's were renumbered starting from 1. This means that every time a missing ID was encountered, all the users from that point on would change ID affecting everything across my site (user base is integrated with three other applications). To make matters worse, my backups from Friday were corrupt and I had to manually cut and paste all date back into the db.
I'm back to where I started now but can't seem to override the auto increment of user ID's. I've tried your importer (the better one IMO) and the jelsoft version, both with auto-inc disabled. Is there a way to import the usernames and keep them associated with current ID's in phpBB2? A perfect example is admin which is user 2 in phpBB but #1 in VB. Once I import I become "lilpinkpuppynoses" in my gallery, classifieds, and chat. I'm dealing with 8000 registered members here and do not want to go through renumbering each one individually if at all possible.