Version: 1.1, by Revan
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 07-16-2005
Last Update: 07-29-2005
Installs: 9
DB Changes
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
Easy Add Forum Moderator v1.1
This hack was inspired by this thread, and is a port of this Extension. I found this to be a rather useful feature, so I decided to add it.
What this mod does:
It enables you to add a single user to multiple forums at once.
The new moderator will have the same permissions everywhere, so fine-tuned permissions still need to be done individually.
Detecting of Category or parent-less forums
Add the moderator to any combination of your forum list
Same detailed configuration options as if you were adding the Moderator manually
Username existance check to prevent nonexistant users from being moderators
Fully phrased
Screenshot attached.
Install instructions:
Click install (you want your precious support, don't you?).
Upload the files.
Run /admincp/forummod_install.php.
Delete above file.
Perform the file edit as detailed in install.txt.
All Your Money Are Belong To Me
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
The link you have there is not correct and the uninstall feature doesn't work currently.
The second problem is that it didn't work on my site. I ran the installer, made the edit, and everything appeared. When I added a mod to all of the forums, it added one of my admins, user ID=2 instead of the user I added. I figured what the hell, and tried another user. It didn't even add that user. It gives the "ok", but didn't add the user. (I haven't looked at the code yet, but will do so following this post.
If I may suggest an improvement in functionality, could we add a "Select All Forums" at the top of the list? This would autopopulate each box as being checked for those of us with 100+ forums that we are adding each mod too. I think that would be a great feature and a MASSIVE time saver.
I look forward to the upgrade for this. I really would like to use it. I have a ton of hand adding to do as I upgrade, and this would make life so much easier!
Fixed the installer problem.
The Check All function is currently not possible, because a Check All box would also check ALL usergroups in the "Make Moderator member of". I will work on this later though, I might yet be able to do it.
Originally Posted by iguanairs
I have isolated the problem to be line 181 of forummod.php. Currently, the line dictates values. I am fairly new to this, so I am playing with the code to see if it works the way I have it written.
The first number after values is specifying the user ID that is being assigned to the forums. In my case, that was user ID=2. I have changed that to read: $userid
The second value is correct and the third value reads: 1279. I am testing it with that value to see if it works. If it doesn't, I was thinking $perms, but I don't know if that is accurate. Anyone know?