Version: 1.3, by yoyoyoyo
Developer Last Online: Sep 2008
Version: 3.0.8
Released: 06-20-2005
Last Update: 08-31-2005
Installs: 32
Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
version 1.3
DIFFICULTY: Beginner/Simple
TIME TO INSTALL: Less than 5 minutes
Templates to edit: 2
New phrases: 1
New files to upload: 6 (1 .php, 2 .html, 2 .gif, 1 .mid)
This adds an auto-updating javascript clock (ie: the seconds "tick") that is displayed in the WELCOME area of the NAVBAR. When you click on the phrase "The current time is" it opens a new popup window that displays the current time in every time zone. If you click on the alarm clock icon it opens a popup window that has an alarm clock which the user can either enter their own alert message, or they can play a midi file audio alert at a pre-selected time (the audio alert function seems to work on IE only at this point). If you click on the stopwatch icon it will open a popup window with a stopwatch. The stopwatch has stop/start, pause, reset and split time functions.
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD folder to your forum ROOT directory. If you want to change the alert file then simply substitute a midi file of your own and be sure to name it "alert.mid"
2) Make the edits to the NAVBAR template as indicated in template-edits.navbar.txt
3) Make the edits to the headinclude template as indicated in template-edits.headinclude.txt
4) Add the new phrase as indicated in new.phrases.txt
5) That's it!
version history
V. 1.1: added a Stopwatch function, and fixed a window size error and resized the clock gif image. To upgrade from 1.0 simply redo the file edits listed in template-edits.navbar.txt and also upload the following: stopwatch.html, alarmclock.gif, stopwatch.gif
v. 1.2: fixed the smilie error/conflict
v 1.3: added support for vBadvanced CMPS index.php
Now the popup window for the alarm clock comes up just fine. When I click on the submit button nothing really seems to happen. Not sure if it even should. Now I set a time just a few minutes out and no alarm event occured either by message or audible.
I also had one user with the similes issue, although I couldnt recreate it in any browser.
Now I did experience one issue I could recreate. For people using Firefox/Mozilla, the advanced wysiwyg editor, you did not have the ability to post. The editor and all the graphics along with the smilies came up just fine but you were unable to write a single character.
Thanks for the info- I will look into it. I can't imagine why it would cause a conflict with the smilies since it does not edit any code that the smilies use
same thing here....smilies have to be used manually.
The problem is somewhere in the template........I removed the code added to the navbar template and smilies are working again.
I figured it had to be there since that is the only real vb file that is modified. I will check in to it, as I said. I want a few minutes to site down and look at it, and those few minutes have been eluding me, but I promise I will get back to it.