the part about time is surely the most important one here...
also the problems are not the ideas, but that most admin don't want to add too much hacks to their boards in awaiting vb3.
And it's understandable that noone would code a large request just for fun and free if they won't use it for themselve.
I agree with Josh, when vb3 comes out the hack ammount will arise very fast again, as it was with the release of vb2...
vB3 has so many features integrated already... it will be a matter of updating hacks that are not already in vB3 from vB2 and making up new ones. The bottom line is time - most hack authors have day jobs and are just too busy to write hacks up.
Originally posted by ManagerJosh People will always think of some sort of code hack Erwin. Matter of sitting down and waiting for inspiration.
That's true. Getting inspiration, and finding time to write the hack can be different issues though. I have heaps of ideas, but sitting down and coding can take a lot of time, especially debugging the code.
Originally posted by Lesane It's getting old to cry about it.
Every hack that's made by anyone is welcome, u don't like the lesane store hack addons then don't bother to open the threads. There are alot of other people that does like the addons. Have some respect for the creator instead of flaming him in the threads.
I thought mr.neo will understand and realise it that alot of people wait for vb3 to release hacks.
btw.. why not changing things around here yourself? Go create some "great and perect" mr.Neo hacks!
Ahh VB3 once that comes out I am going to leave the VB community for good.
And as for hacks why should I bother giving to the public when in a few cases I have been trashed and I can make $$ doing over projects?