Phew, disaster averted! I dropped the style, template, templateid, replacement and replacementid tables from my database, then did a dump of the same tables from a fresh install on vB. I then applied this dump to my database, and it seems to have fixed all my problems.
[high]* GamerForums wipes the sweat from his brow.[/high]
Thanks LOL. Can't remember where I got it from. Anyway, I can't view showthread.php now, I get database errors. It seems for some reason rather than stating the path as root/forums it's stating it as root/forums/forums... Here's the error. Anyone able to help please?
Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT username,invisible,userid
FROM user
WHERE inthread=762
AND lastactivity>1024611544
AND lastvisit<>lastactivity
mysql error: Unknown column 'inthread' in 'where clause'
Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET lastactivity=1024612444,inforum='24',inthread='762 ' WHERE userid='166'
mysql error: Unknown column 'inthread' in 'field list'