Version: 1.3.1, by MarkFL
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 01-23-2017
Last Update: 02-12-2017
Installs: 20
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This product adds a button to the bottom of your ckeditor (posts/PMs only) that allows for easily breaking quotes. Consider that you have quoted someone's post, and you wish to address multiple points within that post. With this product, you put your cursor at the end of the first point you wish to address, and click the "Quote Break" button, and an ending QUOTE tag is generated, 4 newlines, and a new beginning QUOTE tag that matches the beginning tag of the current quote your cursor is in. Then your cursor is located in between the two generated tags, ready for you to enter your text addressing the first point in the quoted post.
In the settings, you may select which usergroups have access to this product's features. You may also specify users by username that you wish to exclude from the product.
In the "Source Mode" editor, any open text formatting BBCodes are closed in the closed quote, and are reopened in the newly opened quote. You can add any BBCodes you wish to add to the list of tags that are supported. You are given 4 options in the product settings for "WYSIWYG Mode" support, and I highly recommend you choose the option that displays the "Quote Break" button to all users, but alerts users in "WYSIWYG Mode" to switch to "Source Mode" before using the button. I have made an attempt to support the WYSIWYG editor, but the results are inferior compared to the "Source Mode" editor.
Suppose you have quoted a post that contains an unordered list, and you wish to address each point separately. Put your cursor after the first point you wish to address:
Now click the "Quote Break" button, and you get:
Now you can enter your response to this first point, and then continue with each successive point.
Everything is fully phrased. :up:
Version 1.1:
Resolved potential conflicts between BBCode tags.
Version 1.2:
Moved "Quote Break" button to the far left, and the "Restore Auto-Saved Content" button to its right.
Added setting to allow control over the position of the "Restore Auto-Saved Content" button in case you change the width of the "Quote Break" by editing the phrase containing its text value.
Version 1.3:
If WYSIWYG editor is disabled, or Standard Mode is forced on users, then button tooltip no longer displays message about Standard Mode being recommended/required.
Version 1.3.1:
Fixed bug where CSS/Javascript wasn't loaded when quick reply is off, but quick edit is on.
Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and may work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.
This product does not alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.
As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.
To Install:
Download and extract the attached .zip file.
Upload the contents of the "upload" folder packaged in the .zip file to your forum root.
No, we have Auto-Save Content set to 60 seconds. Makes sense now that I think about it.
I believe that's the default value, and is what we use on several sites. For my screenshot, I purposefully aborted a post so that the button would be there to show that it has been moved to the right to accommodate the "Quote Break" button.
Few users would figure this out without a guide I'm afraid.
A better system would be to highlight a part of a post with the mouse, press a quote button to quote that specific part in quick reply, then highlight another part press quote button again to add that quote etc...
Your proposal would be more difficult for members to understand, I think. I don't understand it.
What I did was post a brief announcement of the new feature with a couple of screenshots showing them how to use it, something I find helps with any new feature.
Your proposal would be more difficult for members to understand, I think. I don't understand it.
What I did was post a brief announcement of the new feature with a couple of screenshots showing them how to use it, something I find helps with any new feature.
That's what I do whenever I introduce a new feature. So far, we've had nothing but positive feedback at MHB regarding this product. :up: