No product is 100% stable and has no issues. vBulletin 3.x also has outstanding bugs in jira, though not as many. But most people are not reporting bugs about it either anymore.
4.x is fairly stable, I can't personally think of any major bugs that'd cause me to jump ship over.
No product is 100% stable and has no issues. vBulletin 3.x also has outstanding bugs in jira, though not as many. But most people are not reporting bugs about it either anymore.
4.x is fairly stable, I can't personally think of any major bugs that'd cause me to jump ship over.
No issues like user rank's not updating properly? Sig issues? Auto-Sign off? That I had with 5.1.1?
No issues like user rank's not updating properly? Sig issues? Auto-Sign off? That I had with 5.1.1?
There is no such thing as auto sign off, that is probably an issue with your configuration or cookie issues. While there are some issues with cookies in 5, they only get set for a month, instead of a year, nothing should or would be kicking you out in that short of a period of a time.
There are no signature issues that I know of in vBulletin 5, at least not that are not the same in 3 and 4. My gut tells me that you added a signature later and are upset its not showing in old posts. The ame would happen in 3 and 4.
User ranks is a known issue, its getting addressed in 5.1.3. To that effect, if you add a ton of new ranks and want them to showup RIGHT THIS SECOND, you still need to do a rebuild in 3/4. Though it'll update as time moves on. This is the issue with 5, and I know we're fixing it/fixed it.
There is no such thing as auto sign off, that is probably an issue with your configuration or cookie issues. While there are some issues with cookies in 5, they only get set for a month, instead of a year, nothing should or would be kicking you out in that short of a period of a time.
There are no signature issues that I know of in vBulletin 5, at least not that are not the same in 3 and 4. My gut tells me that you added a signature later and are upset its not showing in old posts. The ame would happen in 3 and 4.
User ranks is a known issue, its getting addressed in 5.1.3. To that effect, if you add a ton of new ranks and want them to showup RIGHT THIS SECOND, you still need to do a rebuild in 3/4. Though it'll update as time moves on. This is the issue with 5, and I know we're fixing it/fixed it.
With VB5, I waited over 24 hours, and new members still did not get the rank, that`s a big issue for me.
Also no plugin compatibility with VB5, for the one`s I want.