Have added a new skin. Currently working on changing the default status icons but check it out, let me know what you think...
I've made it the default. Old one is Back2Basics.
You should consider making the introductions forum at the top of the page and visible to guests, new members like to see that they will be welcomed
We seem to be getting lots of hits but no-one is sticking around and registering. I know it's still early days but I'm impatient and just don't understand why people aren't joining.
If anyone owns a music-related forum and would like to affiliate please pm me. Thank you.
We seem to be getting lots of hits, but no-one is sticking around and registering. I know it's still early days, but I'm impatient and just don't understand why people aren't joining.
If anyone owns a music-related forum and would like to affiliate please pm me. Thank you.
It takes time but making sections private does not help if you really want that section to be private then it would be best to just hide it from guests
It takes time but making sections private does not help if you really want that section to be private then it would be best to just hide it from guests
Have hidden the misc general discussions forum from guests. On any forums I've made in the past I have never felt comfortable about having that forum visible to guests and searchable by spiders.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it.