Version: 2.00, by ChiNa
Developer Last Online: Feb 2023
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 4.2.0
Released: 08-23-2012
Last Update: 11-14-2012
Installs: 25
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Brought to you by ChiNa-Man
A big thanks to everyone who have helped me get started on making Products, Such as Scanu, LancerForHireLCC & later on KH99. THANKS A LOT !
More stable
Now you can add it in 2 different spots (Above Forums & Below Forums)
New Screenshots added
2 New Products added, which is only VISIBLE for GUESTS
I have already added a nice FLASH swf MARQUEE TEXT as HTML, Make sure to download the file called "welcome.swf" and upload it to your forum root using an ftp client.
As you can see the welcome.swf is a FLASH Text-Marquee. You can choose yourself which product you wanna download. There are 4 different products, with 2 different spots to choose!
1: Above the forums 2: Below the forums
You wont be disapointed using this Product..
This a new updated Version 2.00
You cab add any Flash,Youtube Videos, iFrame Codes, Vimeo, Google Adsense as HTML or iFRAM.
4 XML Products For all users & for Guests
1: "html2iframe_above_users.xml" above forums / Visible for All Users
2: "html2iframe_below_users.xml" below forums / Visible for All Users
3: "html2iframe_below_guests.xml" above forums / Visible ONLY for Guests
4: "html2iframe_above_guests.xml" below forums / Visible ONLY for Guests
It has an amazing spot for you to publish your NEWS in HTML or iFrame. As a software developer I call this addon for "1ClickInstall"!
Simply because you only install the XML Product and done..
Step 1) Very simple, First download all the files from the attachment below, one one of the files is called html2iframe_below.xml and the other html2iframe_above.xml and file wich contains our FLASH MARQUEE TEXT, called welcome.swf!
Step 2) First upload the "welcome.swf" to your forum ROOT. The welcome.swf file is inside the
After you have downloaded and Extract the swf file from, then upload the welcome.swf file to your forum root! Only if you wanna use it as a Text
So it should be placed like this in your forum root:
Step 3) Now choose one of the the XML Products and go to your ADMINCP, then Plugins & Products, and then Manage and Add/Import Product, browse for the XML Product file and click IMPORT!
It should now be ready....We are done & finished.............
Dont forget to click on INSTALLED if you use this addon!
============== EXTRA INFORMATION ================
Check out the HTML 2 IFRAME in your ADMINCP / SECTION!
To add your own HTML or IFRAME code, go to yoru ADMINCP >> SETTINGS >> and look for HTML2iFrame ! Click and ENTER, You should now see the HTML 2 IFRAME SETTINGS PAGE! Add your code in the "BOX" and you are good to go.
Is it possible that only guests see this (not members) and can we change scroll text?
Hi Buddy, I have made this for your, because you were nice and clicked on the Install button, this showes your appreciation to us developers. So this is what you get back..
I have attached 2 new the XML PRODUCTS below and only visible for guests... Enjoy mate and dont forget to click on here => or the your top-right Thank u
About the Flash Marque: Visit for more flash banners, including the one I have used!
Notice, all the Flash-Products have a Watermark on it! And if you wanted to remove the watermarks, you contact me in Private...
I installed the HTML 2 iFRAME ( thanks ChiNa-Man ) and tweak it a little.
If I can post it here ! If not Please delete it.
It pick up the login user own nick. Have a look
I installed the HTML 2 iFRAME ( thanks ChiNa-Man ) and tweak it a little.
If I can post it here ! If not Please delete it.
It pick up the login user own nick. Have a look
Awesome mate, Very nicely made! Thanks a lot for sharing! Very Influential... Its just sad that we cant use it on our FLASH MARQUEE ... But well done.. Looks awesome