Version: , by tubedogg
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 09-01-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 32
No support by the author.
I have updated this hack. It now hides hidden posts during replying, when they are shown below the newreply screen for review.
See the upgrade instructions below.
Just for the record this IS NOT Lockdown. This allows the user to select an option when posting/editing a post that will make his post display a message that it is hidden, and to view it, click here. It's great for spoilers, off-color language, or anything else that you would want the viewer to make a conscious decision to view it.
Files to edit: newthread.php, newreply.php, editpost.php, showthread.php, admin/functions.php
Templates to edit/create: newthread, newreply, editpost, postbit_hidden
Instructions are in the zip in a file named INSTALL.
Upgrading Instructions: To upgrade from the previous version of this hack (which didn't hide posts when replying), do the following:
In newreply.php, find
PHP Code:
if ($ignore[$post[userid]]) {
$reviewmessage = $ignoreduser;
It seems I messed up the directions a bit...hmm...well not exactly, but the thing I have you searching for in showthread.php actually appears twice, and it needs to go in the second place, not the first.
So here goes:
In showthread.php, find
PHP Code:
and add right below it
PHP Code:
if ($post[hidden]==1) {
} else {
It should now work. I've updated the installer with this change.
Originally posted by tubedogg It's great for spoilers, off-color language, or anything else that you would want the viewer to make a conscious decision to view it.
I think this is a great feature -- expecially for movie discussions; good job. Kevin, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is an all-or-nothing option for any given post, correct? Did you consider an option that enables you to write a "public" portion of a post, then select another portion of the post to be treated as "hidden"? In which case in the post display, at the point where you encounter the hidden marker, your warning message appears, requiring you to click to see the rest?
I also tried JJR512's "blackout & highlight" scheme -- and it is a great idea and does accomplish the basic task of blockout, then requiring an active choice to display. Very cool. Nothing wrong with it at all.
For me, personally, I do think a click-through is a more certain form of protection than the active-choice highlight scheme. (I've been known to do cntrl-A at times, unintentionally, due to 2-finger hunt & peck clumsiness, but it's pretty far-fetched to worry about that
When someone quotes a hidden post, shouldn't the post default to hidden? A minor thing, but there are rude people out there that would do something like this not thinking they're giving it away for everyone else.
If anyone has any other questions or comments about my thing, I think it would be only fair to Tubedogg if you posted them in that thread. I didn't mean to steal Tubedogg's thread; sorry, dude.