Hope you realise that "could not get it to work" is an extremely, extremely inaccurate description of your problem and doesn't give *any* information to help people help you, other than suggesting common solutions (of which I can think just the one).
when you click on the PayPal button it does nothing !
Originally Posted by Barteh
Hope you realise that "could not get it to work" is an extremely, extremely inaccurate description of your problem and doesn't give *any* information to help people help you, other than suggesting common solutions (of which I can think just the one).
I did mention the issue, and what it was not doing in my first post
I compared the code and found more than one item added (</form>) to be different, there are other lines missing in the fixed version.
I am finding no issue using the old one, it works, when we click on the yellow PayPal Donate button it takes you to the paypal site to make your donation, where as on the fixed one it does not do this, it actually does nothing
and I have verified that the email address was changed correctly, and yet it still will not go to the paypal site
just tried it again, it still does not take me to the paypal site to make the payment, used the old one posted by BT, changed the email address, and a few of the amounts, removed 1 dollar and added 75 dollar amount, and it works just fine
The removed lines are a table that shouldn't be necessary, the reason I took them out is because on some styles (including ours), tables like these will result in a visible cadre around the paypal button, and a simple <CENTER> with a couple of <BR> tags do the same job without affecting style.
And I'm afraid the edited version nicely sends me off to paypal with the selected amount when I click it *and* doesn't break my other form using plugins (notably MGC Chatbox Evo which sits in my center column, which order wise is behind the left column). So I'm very much in the dark as to why this wouldn't work for you.
that is the same Chatbox we use, and it's in the center column, with the paypal one on the right, using vBadvanced CMPS v4.0.1, and vBulletin™ Version 4.0.3
Otherwise your setup is the same - vB4.0.5, vBA CMPS 4.0.1 and that chatbox. The missing closing tag probably won't cause problems if it's *not* followed by another form though - and in your case the paypal module is the last form rendered (i.e. part of the right column), so it won't interfere with that chatbox.
Same issue with fixed version..dose not work when you click button..at all.....but the other version works fine..apart from the box arounf the paypal donate button.....
Same issue with fixed version..dose not work when you click button..at all.....but the other version works fine..apart from the box arounf the paypal donate button.....
Okay I installed this module and everything worked fine, but when a user goes to donate it's adding $11.99 for shipping cost. Any ideas on how to fix this problem.