Version: 1.00, by Attitude5ire
Developer Last Online: May 2014
Version: 3.8.4
Released: 10-20-2009
Last Update: 10-25-2009
Installs: 44
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Refine and RefineBlue 3.8.4 2 Clean solution for vBulletin by Available in Fixed and Fluid format
XHTML and CSS 2.1 valid
Its been a while since i added another freebie after morbid style so i pleased to announce another free quality style for vBulletin. Hope you guys like it, please mark installed if you do and as always constructive criticism always welcomed.
------------ - Upload the complete "digitalvb" folder from your assets to forum main ( where index.php resides).
Forum Root Structure should be like this
- index.php
- digitalvb (folder)
- Select the XML you prefer Fluid or Fixed and Upload it to Styles and Templates section of your ACP
- Customize your Logo and Button from the refinepsd.psd inside PSD folder.
FONTS not included so please dont request them, the font used was "helvetica"
HI Attitude
I'm sorry to bother but can you or someone else help me to figure out how to change the logo? I open up the PSD files and I have no idea what to do next as it includes the header buttons and background all on one page and most of it is locked.
Can someone please advise me step by step how to do this? I really love your styles but can never figure out the logo change and placement.
THanks again.
Well the reason is you need to turn on the SLICES in PSD, these a block made within which will show you how easy it is to customize.. all you need to do is make ur changes and export slices and all images are made with corresponding title.. which you just need to replace.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
:up:Oh gosh sorry again to bother. I've looked everyone and can't find how to change alt1 and alt 2 font size. Can't see to do it the usual way. Can someone point me in the right direction, step by step. Other that this and the logo, this will make a great main forum for me. THANK YOU!
You need to edit the advanced css > goto class .alt1 and .alt2 and add your font declarations
Thank you. I think I have the wrong version of PS because it say slices aren't "supported'. whatever that mean. Anyhow, I'll send this stuff to my tech support and see if they can do it for me. Thank you again for a great skin!
How would I go about changing the colors in the 2 pictures to something more visible, I know I have to change them in the "Style Manager" under "all style options" but which table do I alter.
I have a separate navbar added and you can hardly see this menu links.
How would I go about changing the colors in the 2 pictures to something more visible, I know I have to change them in the "Style Manager" under "all style options" but which table do I alter.
I have a separate navbar added and you can hardly see this menu links.
You have to edit advanced CSS for style.
1st image u need to edit vbmenu_control attribute
2nd you need to change font color from .tcat
Nice skin. Specifically, where are settings for changing the color of the text in the navbar at the top? I've made changes to most, if not all, the CSS settings in the Style Manager. Nothing I change effects the Navbar.
Edit: found it. In case others want to know, the CSS navbar settings are in the Additional CSS Definitions in the Style Manager.
Also i notice the following problem when i put my site in maintenance mode... Please release an update version for this and previous errors listed above. Thanks!