Default User Text Formatting - Allow users to chose there default text formatting from (User CP).and applied on new threads, new replays and group discusses With inline styling preveiw and Zero Query!
AdminCP controller.
ability to turn it on or Off.
ability to set font types
ability to set font colors.
ability to set font sizes.
for my bad english so, the screen shots will be more descriptive.
download latest version on attachment.
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please try to add a big thread "color words and copy it and paste about 30 time to make a big thread" is it will be displayed ?
قمت بوضع من دقائق موضوع بموقعي كبير به الوان و كده بس هو كبير الى حد ما و لم يظهر منه شىء!
لذلك ياريت تجرب تجتب مثلاً جملة من 5 كلمات و كل كلمة تلونها بلون معين و نعمل نسخ و لصق للجملة حوالي 30 او 50 مرة و تجرب تعمل معاينة او ارسال الموضوع و هل هيظهر ام لا ؟
You can chose you preferd default text formatting from here.
should say:
You can chose your preferred default text formatting from here.
Thanks again tho.
will be fixed
Originally Posted by Daniel_HBK
please try to add a big thread "color words and copy it and paste about 30 time to make a big thread" is it will be displayed ?
قمت بوضع من دقائق موضوع بموقعي كبير به الوان و كده بس هو كبير الى حد ما و لم يظهر منه شىء!
لذلك ياريت تجرب تجتب مثلاً جملة من 5 كلمات و كل كلمة تلونها بلون معين و نعمل نسخ و لصق للجملة حوالي 30 او 50 مرة و تجرب تعمل معاينة او ارسال الموضوع و هل هيظهر ام لا ؟
can you explain it more than this ? cuze i tried it and no thing despaired every thing working very fine
1. This product is not compatible with version 3.8.0 Alpha 2 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 3.8.0 / Incompatible with 3.9.0 alpha 1 and greater)
One Bug: When on WYSIWYG Editor, the Formatting of Text works Fine, but if you Change to the Normal Editor, then all the Text and BB Codes are Displayed with the Size, Font, Color, and Bold Options Set for the Mod, and not the Normal Options of the Editor; I've Set Color Red, Size 5, Font Arial Black, and Bold, Options and is Not Possible to Use the Normal Editor.
Is Important that You Allow the Normal Editor to Work with the Default Options (Normal Sized Fonts), and the Mod Only to Work with the WYSIWYG Editor.
I'm Not Installing Yet (Only on Test Board), because that'd Confuse the Users, (Normal Editor is Not Usable this way).
One Bug: When on WYSIWYG Editor, the Formatting of Text works Fine, but if you Change to the Normal Editor, then all the Text and BB Codes are Displayed with the Size, Font, Color, and Bold Options Set for the Mod, and not the Normal Options of the Editor; I've Set Color Red, Size 5, Font Arial Black, and Bold, Options and is Not Possible to Use the Normal Editor.
Is Important that You Allow the Normal Editor to Work with the Default Options (Normal Sized Fonts), and the Mod Only to Work with the WYSIWYG Editor.
I'm Not Installing Yet (Only on Test Board), because that'd Confuse the Users, (Normal Editor is Not Usable this way).
I Hope You Can Fix that Bug on Your Next Update.
My Best Regards.
this not an Bug. cuze i cant modify thre editor code. this mod edit CSS clasess and set out options on it . whene thre thread/reply process / actual adding and on the first and and last out options.
try set your def. text formatting in font Arial with size 3 and color red, and try add some thing like this with switching to standard mode
HTML Code:
this is def . [COLOR="Blue"]and this is custom[/COLOR]
on standard mode hole code will be shows in red but try to post an actual post. will be with out default formatting and post setting.
sorry for my bad english