I was about to say the same thing. most of the responses are basically spam. one word replies to somehow, boost statistics which is not a good thing. Quality over quantity any day of the week and nothing less accepted.
I was about to say the same thing. most of the responses are basically spam. one word replies to somehow, boost statistics which is not a good thing. Quality over quantity any day of the week and nothing less accepted.
Totally agree, implementing a minimum word count helps.
To elaborate on the comment, you might as well allow smiley only posting, because one word replies is just as bad and doesn't help the quality of the site. Maybe on the odd occasions, it's fine but you have so many one word replies and a staff member replying one post after another (and to assume) to boost the posting stats where using quotes would have sufficed in a single post rather than spreading it out to 3-4 posts.
When it's all said and done, don't worry about numbers and concentrate on the quality content because when all said and done, noone will stick around and read one word jargon replies.
Have to agree with the posted above, your Open Mike section is quite..full..if it wasnt for your Open Mike posts, you'd probably have less than 10,000 posts. Its not a terrible thing, however you may want to ween your members away from that area, or else you might was well have your site be openmikeforum.com
Have to agree with the posted above, your Open Mike section is quite..full..if it wasnt for your Open Mike posts, you'd probably have less than 10,000 posts. Its not a terrible thing, however you may want to ween your members away from that area, or else you might was well have your site be openmikeforum.com
We are trying but they love Open Mike. If we take it away, half of our members will quit