Version: 1.0.2, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 01-30-2008
Last Update: 04-24-2008
Installs: 23
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Save Users' E-mail Addresses for vB3.7
Version 1.0.2
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
This modification will save old e-mail addresses of users (except those users awaiting e-mail confirmation) when they change them. This is good for keeping a record of any email changes a user might make to try and SPAM the site. Only Admins are allowed to view them.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.1 --Initial release for vB3.7
Version 1.0.2 --Added e-mail change timestamp and profile field setting
NOTE: You will need to uninstall the old version before installing this one.
Installation overview:
Products to install: (1)
Profile Fields to Create (1)
Installation Instructions:
Step 1: Make a new profile field with the following info:
Title: E-mail Addresses
Max length of allowed user input: 1000
Field Length: 25
Text Area Height: 3
Profile Field Type: Multiple-Line Text Box
Field Required: No
Field Editable by User: No
Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: No
Which page displays this option?: Edit Your Details
NOTE: Make sure to write down what profile field number this new profile field is. You will need to add the field number to the setting for this product. Also, make sure you set the permissions for viewing private profile fields to NO for those usergroups you do NOT want to see the e-mail addresses.
Step 2: Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-save_users_emails_boofo.xml file on your computer
NOTE: If you do not click install, you do not need support.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
If it's for data records I'll probably make a couple of additions to the Privacy Policy (keep in mind that this is only a quick rough draft):
(Your site) will retain any e-mail address you provide for ("______" <-- enter value here OR "in perpetuity"). (Your site) keeps such records to help us identify fraudulant or spamming accounts. Only site adiministrators have access to the personally identifiable information stored. (Your site) administrators are required with adhering to our Privacy Policy. Any administrator who violates our Privacy Policy will be immediately terminated and may face criminal prosecution for his/her actions.
You may also add: 1) A section where members can opt in or out, meaning that if they wish their stored personal information to be deleted they can (since they do not have access to it). 2) If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy contact us at (_______).
While I did not add the above into my Privacy Policy (I may) you are welcome to look at mine here to help you. I wrote all of the policies on the site so if you have any questions let me know.
I like the first one and don't care for the second one. If someone wanted to spam the site all they would have to do is ask for their account to be deleted and the emails and they could start it all over again with a new account.
I would like to [s]steal[/s] look at your policy, though, for some ideas [s]and use them myself[/s] that I might be able to borrow from, if you don't mind, sir.
Take the pieces you want (for Boofo only; other's cannot. ). Though, I don't recommend copying and pasting it in its entirety since it's geared for that site's purposes and it may not apply elsewhere.
If not the second I suggest then to add "in perpetuity" to cover your basis.
Take the pieces you want (for Boofo only; other's cannot. ). Though, I don't recommend copying and pasting it in its entirety since it's geared for that site's purposes and it may not apply elsewhere.
If not the second I suggest then to add "in perpetuity" to cover your basis.
I will check it out and get ahold of you on any adjustments I might need, if that is ok. Otherwise, I will let you deal with any of my users that feel infractioned by my [S]stealing[/S] using [S]all[/S] parts of your policy.
I actually figured you had better things to do with you time than put up with me, but you are more than welcome there, my friend, that is a given.
Cool. :up:
Truthfully, for a year and a half I neglected my own sites. I needed a break. I went back doing other things. Everything that I built I ended up removing and restoring to the original vB look. My own clan from numbers 300+ down to nearly 30.
The ones who remained during my lack of activity I felt for and didn't want to leave them in the dust. So last summer I and another member started to get back on track...I still do all of the site/graphics stuff. The site with the Privacy, is Phase II and is still a baby as it was launched publicly a few days ago and not complete; it's a side project nothing really to do with the clan. It will take time to grow. The clan site will be another Phase number...Possibly Phase 3.