There's really not a great deal to styling your forum, depending on how far out you want to go. You don't *need* to know HTML and XML inside out to develop a vBulletin style, though knowing the basics of HTML would be a requirement if you want your code to be neat, tidy and function across all browsers.
There's really not a great deal to styling your forum, depending on how far out you want to go. You don't *need* to know HTML and XML inside out to develop a vBulletin style, though knowing the basics of HTML would be a requirement if you want your code to be neat, tidy and function across all browsers.
Yeah, the most time-consuming part of developing any skin?at least for me?is making sure it renders correctly across multiple browsers. I expect that to become an even bigger pain in the backside once IE7 comes out of beta.
There's really not a great deal to styling your forum, depending on how far out you want to go. You don't *need* to know HTML and XML inside out to develop a vBulletin style, though knowing the basics of HTML would be a requirement if you want your code to be neat, tidy and function across all browsers.
I agree with SD, I am quite good with html, also with designing graphics and webpages, but xml knowledgeable, I'm not.
I think there's one important thing to remember.... there's a difference between a skin designer and a style designer. In my understanding, a skinner is one who not only designs a style, but changes code, templates, etc., to develope an almost entirely new look to the forum. Whereas a style designer works only with the design and graphics. I'm the latter. I have no use for redoing code, nor do I want most of my style to be an image. Almost all of my styles are css-based, minimum of graphics, except for a customized header, gradients, buttons, etc. Makes for easier and faster page loading for dialup internet users... yes there are some still around
Makes for easier and faster page loading for dialup internet users... yes there are some still around
Well that's not necessarily true. Hopefully your computer has a cache As for dial up users, most people worldwide are still dial up users today. However there are only so many color changes that you can use on the same old-same old squarish boring forum look, and after a while that gets very old very quick. In a survey we ran a few months back most posters equated simple square based templates with the forum as being unprofessional, as compared to graphic based designs. I guess it's all about what 'image' you want your site to reflect (pun intended)
I'm of the keep it simple brigade. If I can get away with no images what so ever, then believe me, I will. Most of the time it works well though, so not a problem.