I am posting this up as a new hack because of the major changes made to how the script works. Also, I didn't want people to get confused as to which one to download since there were 3 different versions on the original post.
Xyphen released the original version, then wolfstream modified the script and corrected some errors. After that, I modified wolfstreams version to change how posts were inserted. Now the post count will increase, posts will be able to be searched, and similiar threads will work.
RSS News Feed Hack for vB 3.0.x. As long as vBulletin doesn't change the database structure much, this should be good for the next release also, and those to come.
Allows you to have a live RSS news feed (such as one from Google or CNET) in a forum. The user that posts it will basically be a bot, which *should* only be used for posting the news, but you can even make it for a regular user.
Comments are welcome! Support provided through this thread.
Latest Version:
- 1.26 - for PHP 4.3.0 & above
- 1.26a - for PHP prior to 4.3.0
vBulletin Versions:
- 3.0.0
- 3.0.1
PHP Versions:
- > 4.3.0
- < 4.3.0
Installation Overview:
- Files to edit: (2) /admincp/index.php, /includes/functions_newpost.php
- Files to upload: (4) rss.php, admincp/rss_admin.php, includes/RSS/class.RSS.php, includes/RSS/rss_update.php
- Queries to run: (4) in rss_install.php
Version 1.26 (23 June 2004 - Slapyo, Natch)
- listing of bot's more intuitive (Natch)
- hopefully fixed duplicate problem (Slapyo)
- stripped html tags from title and description (Slapyo)
Version 1.25 (12 May 2004 - Slapyo)
- fix for " showing up
- logs action in scheduled task log if turned on
Version 1.24 (20 April 2004 - Slapyo)
- posts now deleted with delete_thread function
- post counts updated when using delete all news
Version 1.23 (14 April 2004 - Slapyo)
- added ability to delete bots
- cleaned up includes
- fix for PHP versions prior to 4.3.0 calling html_entity_decode()
Version 1.22 (13 April 2004 - Slapyo)
- duplicate posts problem fixed
- fix for problem with ' appearing as \'
Version 1.21 (12 April 2004 - Slapyo)
- bot will not be subscribed to posts now
Version 1.2 (11 April 2004 - Slapyo)
- posts now inserted with build_new_post function
Version 1.1 (28 March 2004 - wolfstream)
- file edits taken down to 1
- cron script included
Version 1.0 (28 January 2004 - Xyphen)
- original release
First of all, nice work. I read through the original hack thread and this one and came up with a question.
I'm runnig a german board and tried some rss feeds. most of them don't have a pubDate field. What happens when they don't have this field? Does it work anyway or do I have to create a workaround for it?
Any other german here with good working news feeds?
For those interested (and if you'll pardon the self-link), here's my newsbot's playground. I too tweaked the post format (rather than "View the entire article," I just made the headline a link). I sure wish my RSS source would pass a little more meat in the item description, though!
First of all, nice work. I read through the original hack thread and this one and came up with a question.
I'm runnig a german board and tried some rss feeds. most of them don't have a pubDate field. What happens when they don't have this field? Does it work anyway or do I have to create a workaround for it?
Any other german here with good working news feeds?
it should work, it just won't submit anything to the rss_date field in the database. then this means that when it is checking for duplicates it won't find any "old" articles and it will post duplicates if there are any.
ya .... that's the problem of most RSS news feeds, but the purpose of them is not to give the full article, but just to give a tiny description of what the article is about. they want you to goto their site to read the whole article. although some places put the whole news in the RSS feed. just gotta find those places or deal with the tiny TINY descriptions. i wish they would give a little bit longer description, not just a sentance, maybe more like a paragraph.
My request with this would be a mod to have each NewsFeed in one thread, not a new thread for each feed ...
Any ideas Slapyo ?
could be done ... would have to look into it. would probably just be a shift in the code and change a couple things. the title would be something like "news posted at {insert time}" then inside would have the news description and link for every news article. lemme look into it some.