I dont wish to appear rude, but if you dont want your site publicly disclosed pm it or open a support ticket on our site, with the thread being so big its simpiler for me to quote people so they know what im talking about and who to.
Sorry If I did something wrong.
The problem is I had already mentioned that I didnt like someone to quote my post, and I had already pmed you letting you know that I didnt like that (without your response). I appreciate anyone's help here. However, please respect other people's rights.
Anyone else getting this when using the "donate" function (not admin donate, the regular one), I'm getting the following msg at the top of the page. The donation is successful, but I get this error at the top:
Warning: Division by zero in /home/*****/public_html/*****/forums/uttstore/action.donate.php on line 112
I'm running vB 3.0.3 and upgraded the store from the previous version...
This is appearing on both of my sites with vB and this hack.
I just installed this, great hack btw. But I was just wondering why the actions part of the menu in the navbar is empty? do you guys know about this and are working on a solution or what? i searched the thread and couldnt find anything so am sorry if i missed something
I've tried to install this twice on my test forums with the same issue
Well, after upgrading, I still get the "Username already exists!." message when the username does not exist. Any reason as to what's causing this for me?
Well, after upgrading, I still get the "Username already exists!." message when the username does not exist. Any reason as to what's causing this for me?
You uploaded the new action files and reverted all your old templates?
You uploaded the new action files and reverted all your old templates?
I first deleted all the old action files, then uploaded the new ones to insure they were properly overwritten. But if you remember, I had this same problem for version .93, so I was just wondering. Maybe something is disabled on my MySQL or something? It's just weird.
EDIT: Reverting the templates worked for the bank AND username. However, strangely, it didn't for the older version. Strange.
I replaced all my files with the ones from 3.03
I reverted the templates - i have no other hacks on my forums
I reuploaded all store files
I carefully went through every edit and uploaded each file as it was completed
I double checked the template edits
My problem is that the link on the navbar does not produce the menu. In fact, when I click on it, aside from nothing happening, if I mouseover any other navbar items with the triangle [including the thread menus] it will open the menu.
i upgraded my forums and all the uttstore templates are gone, do i just re-run the install file and if i do re-run it will it mess up everyones points?
navbar help.. I know this has been addressed but I have not been able to find the solution.. On my navebar, there is no links to the store.. Just shows the store on the navbar but no drop down menu to link to anything...