Version: 1.20b, by loneranger
Developer Last Online: Oct 2009
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 01-27-2005
Last Update: 03-01-2005
Installs: 37
DB Changes
No support by the author.
Image Hosting v1.20b
What Does it Do?
This script will allow your users to upload images onto your server and use them in forums and other sites. You can limit how many images a person can upload and how big the files can be. There is also a watermark feature which will allow you to watermark upload images with any text you want.
- Admin cp settings
- Limit Filetypes
- Limit File size
- Limit What usergroups can upload
- Add Watermark to JPEG's (Removed )
- View uploaded images
- View Forum image code(NEW!!!)
- Different limits for different usergroups(NEW!!!!)
- Improved Layout and design
- Installer
- More....
I have used the Hack Installer System to make it easier for the end use to upload to their site
I will fully support thios project and will fix and bugs or gliches in the script. I also offer a installation process for anyone who needs it.
This project takes alot of my time and so will the updates to come i would appricate any donation thought paypal, Thanks
Future Features
- Moderate uploads
- Different Limits for users and usergroups(Compeleted)
- User Gallery for uploaded images
- Stats(in progress)
Bugs Fixed
1. Templates should be to the default vbstyle
2. Can't get image size fixed (hopefully)
3. blank screen when uploading an image
please visit
Supported on vbulletin version 3.0.7
Hope you enjoy
everyone tells that you should do backup of your files and database or try the hack in a test board first!
a IT professional never installs a new software or a big update (WinXP SP2) before testing it on a seperated PC.
the work from loneranger is very impressive and if anyone wants more good hacks you sould think before you post such agressive words.
This script is piece of crap, simple script that is made soo complex that looses track that users just need a simple script. Need to write the script myself!! The intention is good but will do more harm better not to share your script. This author went overboard with lack of quality control and negligence against fellow coders.
After reviewing the forum I am getting all the errors people gettting - missing files , error messages, errror log, upgrade quiries. Need to download from my master files going to waste another 30min. This mod should be banned and user banned also.
I recommend this coder tnguy3n, it works perfectly not sure if any security issues need to check when I have time. Very easy to customize to make it better. This is exactly what I was looking for, link is below
Actual the mod above is not fully safe the guy is not using move_uploaded_file and is_uploaded_file command.