surely they aint waiting for a date in court as well
See, that's the thing. There's no "decision" to be made (Jelsoft doesn't get to "decide" what its licensing agreement says - it is already bound by it). It is legal to use the hack - that's not really in question.
However, are within their rights not to host the hack, and I have a feeling that that may be what happens. In that case, the hack author would be forced to go elsewhere to distribute it (if he chose to, that it), which would be a shame because then he wouldn't be able to use's license verification system - and it is certainly in Jelsoft's interests to have him use that.
u gotta be winding me up - surely they can make a decision quicker than that.
[high]* lasto votes for GameCrash HOTM
serious though i dont reckon we see this hack back.
hm, now you mention it, nah. theirs greater issues on the jelsoft agenda, new products and then and other sister sites which will then segway into this issue. theirs some good stuff to come from that meeting
[high]* sabret00the sposts link online, goes back to stalking the shoutbox hack thread for support.[/high]
I have talked this over with people and even they said that it doesn't go against the license that Jelsoft has on it's site. But since the issue is just weather it is allowed he the license DOESN'T matter whatsoever and they can decised not to have the hack no matter what. Just like the lockdown hack isn't allow they can ban this and any other hack without a reason.
They can prevent it from being distributed here, sure. They can't prevent people from using it, though.
Thats true. A lot of people including myself have already downloaded this and the author may choose to release it somewhere else if they don't allow it here or at It just seems a shame that the legality of this is even an issue.
I think it could take a few days. I think it would be prudent on Jelsofts part not only to review the code but to run it past thier lawyers... If Jelsoft gives the okay about this hack, then it may potentially impact their claims when they pursue real pirates. So this is gonna be a catch 22.
I think it could take a few days. I think it would be prudent on Jelsofts part not only to review the code but to run it past thier lawyers... If Jelsoft gives the okay about this hack, then it may potentially impact their claims when they pursue real pirates. So this is gonna be a catch 22.
i agree with you, There are a lot more things here that has to be taken into consideration here. I wouldnt want my license voided if the investigation is negative and i am using the hack