The Arcive of Official vBulletin Modifications Site.It is not a VB3 engine, just a parsed copy! |
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This is VB World Weather...
It allow your users to look up and display local weather for 39,722 locations around the world! It is template based with multi language support built in! The zip file contains... 1. Step by step install files 2. All images, language files, templates, weather database file and scripts Demo user: test pass: test when you login go to the usercp to try the demo, also look at the bottom of the forum home for the other display... The one on the forum home can be placed where ever you want to place it! If you have any questions or need install help post your questions here... UPDATES (7/15/2004 9:47 PM EDT) Go here for the FORUMHOME template update install info UPDATES (7/18/2004 9:04 AM EDT) Add a database install table script, for people who can not run the single sql file (FOUND IN STEP 7). It is very easy to use! Have a great day.... Sonia _______________________________ Next mod -> translate this topic or post! Show Your Support
Comments |
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I am not on a computer that has ICQ or MSN! It is hard for to know what is wrong without seeing the USERCP, I know it something simple, I just can not guess! Let try to install MSN, as I think they don't want me installing ICQ, be back in a second! Sonia |
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Well I owe Sonia a big thanks indeed. She worked her little a$$ off and solved all my problems and now the weather addition is in 100% fully working order.
Thanks Sonia a big thanks from me. Brian |
Update to display forum home view (Jul 15, 9:47 PM EDT)
This is the update for the forum home weather view.... This can be done many ways but I think I will only do it one way, so that this final update that will support the AdminCP addon that I will release to control the weather system.... Lets begin..... (1) Go to Languages & Phrases >> Phrase Manager In the Phrase Type selectbox, select 'Posting' When it changes, select pages '9/10' in the list below you should see 'weather_none' Delete it!!!! When the page reloads, click the button 'Add New Phrase' Make sure you are still in 'Posting' Then add the new phrase below... Code:
Phrase Type: Posting Varname: weather_none_one value.... copy below this line.... <span align="center">--<font color="ff0000"> NO FORECAST SELECTED </font>-- <br /> <br /> Use the Forecast Options below to configure your weather display <br /> <br /> --<font color="ff0000"> NO FORECAST SELECTED </font>--</span> copy above this line.... When the page reloads, , click the button 'Add New Phrase' When that page loads, change the Phrase Type to 'GLOBAL' in the selectbox Then add the new phrase below... Code:
Phrase Type: GLOBAL Varname: weather_none_two value.... copy below this line.... <span class="smallfont"><font color="ff0000">--</font> no forecast location has been configured, click the weather icon to the left to select one <font color="ff0000">--</font></span> copy above this line.... open 'FORUMHOME' Then find the following.... Code:
<head> // change the url to the url you are using Code:
<if condition="$show['forecast']"><if condition="$forecast_home['location']!='0'"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/forecast/css/main.css" /> </if></if> Now go almost to the bottom of 'FORUMHOME' Find what is below.... Code:
</table> <br /> <!-- end what's going on box --> Right above the '</table>' add what is below... Code:
<!-- the weather condition --> <if condition="$show['forecast']"><if condition="$forecast_home['location']!='0'">$forecast_home[data]<else /><tbody> <tr> <td class="thead" colspan="2"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_weather')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_weather" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumhome_weather].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>$vbphrase[local_weather]</td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_weather" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumhome_weather]"> <tr> <td class="alt2"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=weather"><img border='0' src='$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/weather.gif' alt='$vbphrase[local_weather]' /></a></td> <td class="alt1" width="100%" align="center"><div class="smallfont" align="center">$forecast_home[data]</div></td> </tr> </tbody></if></if> <!-- / the weather condition --> Save... Now go back to Styles & Templates >> Styles Manager Use the selectbox, for the style you are adding the weather system to.... Scroll UP >> select >> Add New Template Then add the following template.... Code:
Title = current_weather_two template value..... copy what is below this line... <tbody> <tr> <td class="thead" colspan="2"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_weather')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_weather" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumhome_weather].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>$tpl[location_header]$tpl[location]</td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_weather" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumhome_weather]"> <tr> <td class="wic"><div><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=weather"><img border='0' src='$tpl[current_icon]' title="$tpl[current_text]" alt='' /></a></div><div class='smallfont'>$tpl[current_temp]</div></td> <td class="wic"> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="ihs">$tpl[time_text]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class="ihs">$tpl[humd_header]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='ihs'>$tpl[vis_header]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='ihs'>$tpl[ultra_header]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='ihs'>$tpl[baro_header]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='ihs'>$tpl[direct_header] ($tpl[direct_type])</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="smallfont">$tpl[local_time]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class="smallfont">$tpl[current_humd]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='smallfont'>$tpl[current_vis]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='smallfont'>$tpl[current_ultra]</td><td width='4'></td> <td class='smallfont'>$tpl[current_baro] <span><img border='0' src='$tpl[icon_baro]' alt='' /></span></td><td width='4'></td> <td class='smallfont'>$tpl[current_direct]</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> copy what is above this line... Before you do the next thing.... Find out the following..... Code:
(1) What is the starting 'field#' for the weather system (2) What is the ending 'field#' for the weather system If you fields are.... field11, field12, field13, field14, field15 Then your starting field# is -> 11 And your ending field# is -> 15 (3) find out what option (#) is option : weather in profilefield.php To do this >> Go To >> left nav >> User Profile Fields >> 'add new profile field' just click 'continue'........ When the page loads..... >> 'View Page Source' Look for...... <select name="profilefield[form]" id="sel_profilefield[form]" tabindex="1" class="bginput"> Below the above select name you will see 'Options : Weather' <option value="?">Options: weather</option> You want the value where the '?' is.... // field_start = 11 <- this an example, yours may be different! // field _end = 15 <- this an example, yours may be different! // option_id = 6 <- this an example, yours may be different! Now open ./profile.php find this.... PHP Code:
replace with.... PHP Code:
find this... (the old weather block) PHP Code:
replace with.... PHP Code:
Now in the code you just replaced, find the following special tags and replace them with the values I told you to save right before you opened'profile.php'! Code:
(1) field_start, occurs (1) time change 'field_start', to the (#) that is the value for field_start! (2) field_end, occurs (1) time change 'field_end', to the (#) that is the value for field_end! (3) option_id, occurs (2) time change 'option_id, to the (#) that is the value for option_id! PHP Code:
open ./index.php find the following..... PHP Code:
replace with..... PHP Code:
There are (2) special tags in the replace code above, be sure to change them just like you did before! These are the tags you need to replace in the replace code above..... PHP Code:
Open.... ./includes/functions_user.php find the following code! PHP Code:
PHP Code:
using my example..... PHP Code:
Download the file Move the folder 'si' in the zip file to, ./forecast/img/ over write the current ./forecast/css/main.css, with the new one in the zip file... copy 'weather.gif' to the ./images/misc/ directory of the style you are using! overwrite ./forecast.php with the new one in the zip file overwrite ./includes/functions_weather, with the one included in the zip file! All done... 1. Adds forum display 2. 20% speed gain... 3. fixes sort order in location select boxes 4. setups the weather system to plugin to the new Admin CP 'Weather Manager', which will be released on the 23 of July! Need help just post! Sonia |
You are simply amazing! The update has been installed, a warning to everyone else doing this: if you have issues with forecast elements not showing double check your field start and end dates, I got so wrapped up in the instructions that on the index.php changes I entered 15 instead of 14 in one place and it took me a few minutes to figure out what went wrong. Again thank you for this amazing hack on behalf off all my users (who have had nothing but praise in the thread I started about the feature). |
Absolutely amazing.
Just installed the entire hack and your most recent update on my test board (for version 2 of my site), everything works perfect. This is one of the most in depth hacks I have ever seen. Very good work. |
Upgraded and all works very well. Great job!
![]() It would be nice to display the forumhome weatherinfo right under the navbar. Then it has to be smaller i guess. How to do this? |
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Sonia |
Tnx that would be nice. I've placed the actual code in forumhome under the navbar but it is to large and it pushed the other tables to far down. If this could be done on a few lines it would be perfect.
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Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but can I ask why you designed this with a external CSS file ? Why not use vB styles to format this - it would make a bundle more sense to do it this way?
Not denying the value of htis hack - I think it's amazing! but this is just bugging me a bit ... |
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