SHOUTcast is a free-of-charge audio homesteading solution. It permits anyone
on the internet to broadcast audio from their PC to listeners across the
Internet or any other IP-based network (Office LANs, college campuses, etc.).
Full Stats
- Needs Shoutcast server admin password
Server Name
Song History
4 media layers (winamp, quicktime, media player, real player)
DJ Name
Current Song
Media Type
Most Ever Connected
Hit Count
Users Connected
Avj. Connect Time
User Max
Online / Offline status
XML Data Cache
Lite Stats
- Does not need shoutcast server admin password
Server Name
4 media layers (winamp, quicktime, media player, real player)
Current Song
Users Connected
User Max
Online / Offline status
XML Data Cache
Is there some type of server requiments to run this? I switched hosts and it stopped working!?
I have seen web servers not allow external query on non standard ports.
It only needs a IP, Port, shoutcast Admin PW from the shoutcast server your connecting to.
good day,
i have everything hooked up correctly but one thing that i'm stuck on your on your instructions that it's a free service with shoutcast now i went to the site i a noob to this i have no clue to where and how to get the info to change info to configure the shout cast hacK ex
PHP Code:
$scdef = "Server Name"; // Default station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) shoutcast server
$ircsite = ""; // IRC Server - EX:
//End configuration
where can i sign up to get this info so i can get this running or can you direct me to a right direction. :ermm:
This hack ties in your site w/ your shoutcast server
Originally Posted by nievesidenshop
good day,
i have everything hooked up correctly but one thing that i'm stuck on your on your instructions that it's a free service with shoutcast now i went to the site i a noob to this i have no clue to where and how to get the info to change info to configure the shout cast hacK ex
PHP Code:
$scdef = "Server Name"; // Default station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) shoutcast server
$ircsite = ""; // IRC Server - EX:
//End configuration
where can i sign up to get this info so i can get this running or can you direct me to a right direction. :ermm:
This hack ties in your site w/ your shoutcast server
ok almost done zac i appreciate your help i think i have everything now when i follow to your instruction to put the info like the configurations so it can play to my web site it's not playing unless i did something wrong maybe this info photo u can point me to so i can configure to the web...
$scdef = "sky fm "; // Defau lt station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) shoutcast server
$ircsite = ""; // IRC Server - EX:
//End configuration
ok almost done zac i appreciate your help i think i have everything now when i follow to your instruction to put the info like the configurations so it can play to my web site it's not playing unless i did something wrong maybe this info photo u can point me to so i can configure to the web...
$scdef = "sky fm "; // Defau lt station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) shoutcast server
$ircsite = ""; // IRC Server - EX:
//End configuration
all is well it looks like
is this right to the configure
know that is a local LAN IP and not something that you can access from the internet w/o "port forwarding" from your router to your local PC.
Log-in to your router -
There is an area for "port fowarding".
On some routers you can forward a range of ports or 1 at a time.
forward: 8000,8001 =>
The settings on the hack must have your WAN IP of your cable/dsl/T1 outside IP. In the router there is a "status" area that will tell you your WAN IP.
Your outside requests for port 8000,8001 will be pushed via router to your shoutcast server.
my outside cable modem WAN IP / Internet IP -
My local LAN IP that the router gives my system -
You can connect to your shoutcast server as a client and a DJ via WAN - IP:PORT
apparently it's not working tried everything as you instructed i'm not good with all that networking and configuring scripts, i'll leave it alone to clear my head been at it for a while..