About this hack:
One of the biggest problems on forums as you may know is 'posts boosting'. There are users who LOVE to say 'thanks' when ever they can. How can it hurt? Their post count goes up, they have nothing to loose.
There are also users who really like to express their thanks to post but don't like posting a post that looks like they're post boosting.
Then comes the moderators who have to delete people's thanks yous so a thread can look readable with out the thanks yous thrown around.
Finally comes the posters of these useful posts. They have no idea how many people really likes their posts if only some people say 'thanks'.
What this hack does is fix ALL these problems - except those users who like post boosting. This places a button called 'thanks.' When a user clicks on it, it places his username in a box right under the post saying that so-and-so says 'thanks' for the post. Every-one who clicks is placed in one box.
By giving your users the extra feature, you forum will look allot nice and organized. It is a guaranteed liking by ALL the members of your forum.
New option: Remove User's Thanks Count When Deleting Post
New phrase: post_thanks_search_user_gave
FIX User reputation level now updates. (Thanks to liwo for this one.)
NEW Added option to view all posts a user has thanked.
FIX Fixed Special Action - Delete All of a Users Thanks
FIX Should have fixed some 'foreach()' errors.
Version 7.3 (03/15/08):
Updated file: functions_post_thanks.php
Updated template: post_thanks_memberinfo_block
Deleted template: post_thanks_memberinfo_css
New option: Choice to use Markup Usernames or not. (Thanks to Namaless)
New option: Ban User from Getting Thanks
New option: Max Thanks a User can Give Per Day
FIX Fixed repeating bug on vb 3.6.7 forums.
CHANGE Changed where the post thanks info shows on the Profile Page. Moved to same box as statistics. (This will require a template edit if you are running vb3.7 beta 2-4)
Added securty token check for all thanks added. This will prevent a user from giving out a link or somehow making an image that will get him a lot of thanks.
Should have fixed some 'foreach()' errors.
Fixed Delete All of a Users Thanks bug
vBulletin 3.7.x compatible only
Version 7.6 (06/02/08):
FIX: Fixed Security Check for vb 3.7.1
Updated files: functions_post_thanks.php
Version 7.7 (07/28/08):
FIX: Fixed problem with giving thanks using Blazer (palmOS browser).
First off, thanks abe1 for you great efforts on this one and previous versions, but I would like to ask about upgrading issues.
I'm running vB 3.6.4, and planning to upgrade to 3.7.x very soon, how can I upgrade to the new plugin version aswell without losing all the previous data? I've read that ppl had issues losing their previous data, how can I avoid this?
Just make sure you dont uninstall the old version. Just install the new version right over the last version.
1. find out who has clicked thanks most per week.
2. find out who has been thanked most per week.
3. run a side by side similar thanks hack, for positive thanks. But slightly renamed. I asked you about this, we wanted to call it a Spank-you ... not a negative thanks, but more tongue in cheek version of Thanks, for cheeky members.
If there are no issues, and its dooable, ( item 3 ) Is it something we can do ourselves, by going thru your code, and simply renaming thanks with spanks, and creating separate db entries, havent looked in too deep on the coding side, as it is your hack.
1. find out who has clicked thanks most per week.
2. find out who has been thanked most per week.
3. run a side by side similar thanks hack, for positive thanks. But slightly renamed. I asked you about this, we wanted to call it a Spank-you ... not a negative thanks, but more tongue in cheek version of Thanks, for cheeky members.
If there are no issues, and its dooable, ( item 3 ) Is it something we can do ourselves, by going thru your code, and simply renaming thanks with spanks, and creating separate db entries, havent looked in too deep on the coding side, as it is your hack.
Regards Ste
I have a question also, i have to load to server or can i do on cpanel.
and how i am new to this, i was paying some one but want to do in my owne.
1. find out who has clicked thanks most per week.
2. find out who has been thanked most per week.
3. run a side by side similar thanks hack, for positive thanks. But slightly renamed. I asked you about this, we wanted to call it a Spank-you ... not a negative thanks, but more tongue in cheek version of Thanks, for cheeky members.
If there are no issues, and its dooable, ( item 3 ) Is it something we can do ourselves, by going thru your code, and simply renaming thanks with spanks, and creating separate db entries, havent looked in too deep on the coding side, as it is your hack.
I have a question. I have this hack installed, and all is fine. Except, for some reason in the user CP it's listing under their statistics twice.
See image.
Thanks in advance!
I really appreciate your hard work on this hack, and love it. However, if I can get an answer to my question? Anybody out there?