Here's a tip: don't drink. I got wasted on my 18th (which was on Friday) and came in and listened to 80's metal in my living room. Why should you go on the Internet?
Pffft, none o' my business. But there are other things to do. I don't drink alcohol anymore because the last time I got into a pattern of doing it, I developed a pretty bad addiction to it. I wish others followed my lead, but that ain't happening.
i didnt bother reading the whole thread because i'm drunk right now bit is there any otehr way to admin a board? if so let me know p.p.s. Willie Nelson R0x3rz YeR S0x3rs
Honestly, if you're drunk and administering your forum, it's really time to consider what you could be doing with your free time. If you've got the time to get drunk, you've got the time to do something more constructive.
I have a few drinks now and then, but I'd hardly touch any development project I work on or any clients work (let alone speak with them) as whether I've had 1 or 10, I'd rather be 100% coherent when I do my work.
Oh, it's not skype with clients, that's not something I'd dream of doing unless totally awake and totally sober. I skype with mates, and last night was also doing upgrades on my site, coding, and other stuff. Incidently, my latest hack is now fully functional and just needs a little more work on the phrases then it's ready for release. So a good nights drunkenness as I solved a big problem I'd been having by finding a great workaround.