is there a mod for 3.5.x that is like the Army System for ipb cause its being requested, and i know a board that used to have a similar mod on a vb board just wondering if this is for 3.5 and if not then i request
it was an army game just liek the one that IPB offers but for vb there was one on another site that i was on but that site is no longer up, so i can't talk to the owner or nothing but here is the post that he put up and platnum was the owner of that site, i was on it and he did have this mod i believe called it Plats Army so i know something of the sort has been made for vb but i think he had 3.0.1 or 3.0.4 round there
Anybody considering trying it? I liked Kings of Chaos until I saw how you had to have clans and programs and there were lots of people who were way ahead of everybody on the first day.
Hmm... We might be interested in doing something like this. If there is enough interest. If enough people post requesting it, then i'm sure we can get something done.
Decado - Co-Owner of Inferno Technologies (RPG Inferno Creators)