Ok this is my site www.GamedogsIntact.com
do you think i should change something or what i can do to improve my site i ask members but they are all kinda scared to tell me the truth because they think i will be pissed because im the site owner with that said what can be added or what can be tooken away?
I would try running it like it is for a few weeks and let everyone get the feel of it and then maybe post a poll asking what they think about it. That will give them some time to settle in with whatever changes you have made and maybe open up a little more about things.
your right thanks :laugh: whats a good program for making headers or can i have someone on the site help me i will pay :laugh: lol i need a good header as it looks a little plain to me
I will make one suggestion though. I would not center everything in the What's going on box. With the forums aligned to the left, it looks a little off. I would realign that stuff back to the left. The same with the category header text. I used to have that centered and with the forums on the left, it didn't look right. But that is only my opinion.
The style is too dark in my opinion. The gradient is nice but it sorta complicates your style. I think you need to blend in more colours in your style, not just black.