I asked this on vBulletin.com earlier and I don't know if they can do much about this so I'm going to see what people from here think about it aswell.
Originally Posted by JsnakeJ
For the stats on the forumhome page does it not count soft-deleted threads or something? I have a modification installed (PSI Stats 2006) and it has the counts higher than the forumhome does. Just wanted to know if it did this and if so how I could change it.
Originally Posted by Jake Bounce
I just tested this. The stats section does not count deleted posts.
Originally Posted by JsnakeJ
As I thought. Anyone know of a way to have it count them? They're still posts to the forum and in my oppinion should still be counted. That or I'd like a way to easilly find all the deleted ones, like some kind of archive that shows them how the Moderated Posts are.
Any help would be appreciated.